Love Elixir of Augusta Stern by Lynda Cohen Loigman - Loved this one. It's historical, a little magical realism, a love story, Jewish...checked so many happy boxes for me. I wanted it to keep of my favorites of the year!
Operation Bethlehem by Yariv Inbar - This was a book group selection for me, and as a group we liked it. I thought the story was interesting, although I got a little lost at one point, and I thought the theme of what it means to feel "at home" was very relevant.
Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books - Could NOT put this one down! Loved it - the cast of characters was wonderful, it was clever and compelling, and of course, timely. I know it was meant as a satire, and I thought it really worked.
You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian - It was a little too long but overall a sweet story of grief and love - it took me a while to realize that it was set in 1960 (I'm sure I just missed that moment), which obviously explained the terrible fear of discovery of the gay characters.
Love You a Latke by Amanda Elliot - How could I not read htis one!? A quick and fun Chanukah romance novel with the added benfit of a real commentary on how it feels to be the token Jew, especially at Christmastime. Will this be the next Hallmark Chanukah movie???
Songs for the Broken Hearted by Ayelet Tsabari - So good! A look backwards and forwards at the Yemeni Jewish community as they came to Israel in 1950 and their generations in the 1990s. Such a compelling story as Zohara tries to figure out her mother's hidden past and her own Yemeni-Israel-Jewish identity.
Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan - Okay, Oprah, I would never have picked this one up without you. A very short and powerful novel highlighting what it means to do right in the world, even when things are stacked against you.
Terrace Story by Hilary Leichter - I am pretty sure that I got this book from the New York Times Book Review. While I was reading it, however, I kept thinking, "who the heck recommended this book to me and why am I still friends with them?" This book is weird. (See: The Husbands) I can see how it is a meditation on grief and love, physical and emotaional space, family and relationships. But I didn't really like it.
The Hanukkah Hook-Up by Jessica Topper - a silly, fun Chanukah romance
Late Night Love by Chayla Woflberg - A sweet romance by a former student! Loved the shoutout to our synagogue :-)
Vanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim - A lovely story about magic and matchmaking, and it reminded me a little bit of the Matchmaker's Gift too. This author's earlier book was one of my favorites of last year, and I liked this one a lot too!
The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong - It was odd that the last two books I read this year were both about seeing the future! This one was a really cozy magical fantasy about found family, and I really enjoyed it!
November Books
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August Books
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January Books