
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Contests...and Five Places I've been This Week

I want to win this cool pouch being given away at From Dates to Diapers. The pouch is from Rockin' Baby Shop and let me tell you, it is rockin'! They sell slings and pouches that are all awesome and they have pictures on their site of daddies wearing babies...yay! Check out their gorgeous designs (that link is to page 3 of the slings, which has my personal favorite, "fell in love with a girl")!

There's also a great giveaway going on at Tangled and True...for 2 pieces of Lisa Leonard jewelry...don't go enter, please, so I can win:-)

Last one...Mum's the Wurd is giving away a $100 gift certificate to Natural Pod...I love these playsilks and felt balls...I seriously want to throw away all of our toys after all this China stuff, and these look like the perfect replacements. Birthdays are coming up for all my kidlets...but this giftcard would make it all better! (This xylophone is cool too...)

Hope you had a great weekend...I'm trying to finish my Yom Kippur can I work in blogging?


Five Places I've Been This Week

A Little Love for the Jewcy, one of my favorite sites

Project Peanut Butter

Biggest Loser slideshow...I love this tv show!

Freud as Defender of the Faith? (from the NY Times)

Mommazen's Block Party (see who's there!?)

from my

Where have you been?


  1. Thanks for the links--I love visiting new sites.

  2. Thanks for entering the Rockin' Baby pouch giveaway... Good luck!


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