
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Homemade Leg Warmers - WFMW

In these last few moments before Rosh HaShanah, these are the things that occupy my mind!?

But anyway...

Thanks to this great post from Zrecommends, I realized that I could make my own adorable baby leg warmers from knee socks that I already had. (I suppose this then gives away my own personal knee-sock love...)

Isn't she a cutie? I just cut the feet off of these nicely soft mommy-socks. I think she likes them. The weather turned cooler and I put her in pants which were a serious hindrance to her crawly-cruisy state...her toes kept getting caught in the pants. So here is the solution. Adorable and warm! Works for me...

(okay, now that I look again at the photo, I'm not sure you can tell what I did. But trust me, she's cute. They were valentine's day socks. Valentine's Day is a sock holiday, did you know that? Seriously. There are always tons of V-Day socks and then on clearance Target!)

Shana Tova!
(Stay tuned for a very funny video for my Shana Tova post later today)


  1. She's adorable, and I'm very impressed that she's not pulling them right off LOL.

    Shana tova u'metuka from Israel.

  2. Could she BE any CUTER?? And the leg-warmers are adorable. Hooray!

    A good and healthy new year to you all. May you have a year filled with sweetness and joy :)

  3. Happy New Years! I have seen similar leg warmers at chic boutique stores here in LA. Did you do something to keep them from unraveling?

  4. How cute is that!!!! Thanks for the great idea!

  5. Sweet baby! I will need to try it as our baby is very soon crawling!

  6. nope, nothing to leave them from unravelling. although i haven't washed them yet, the original idea from zrecommends said that i didn't need to do anything. i hope they don't unravel but i bet they'll be fine, just a little raggedy which is fine with me. if they fail...well, then i guess i'll go out and spend $12 for the "real" thing. although...i suppose a serger machine would do the trick. i don't have one, tho. thanks for visiting!

  7. She is adorable and heck yeah valentine's day is totally a sock holiday. *wink*


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