
Monday, October 8, 2007

Little Best Shot Monday

I am working so hard to create readers in my family. So far, we're doing great. All three of my kids think books are the coolest things. Hooray!

Sam's favorite thing to do is to take a whole bucket of books, dump them all out on the floor, and then settle in to read them all. Yael gets quite a kick out of the dumping and then she chooses one to gnaw on while he reads.

He is definitely "reading" this book to her...doesn't get much cuter than this...
That one he's reading is one of his current favorites, the pages slide open and he loves it. What are your kiddos' favorite books?

See more Best Shot Monday at Picture This...


  1. Sammy is still into the little kid books...he loves...

    Hello bee, hello me
    Goodnight moon
    Mr Brown can moo, can you?

    Those kind of books...

    Cute pic!

    The Egel Nest

  2. Very cute! We try over here, too, and have tons of books for them to read...and to read to them. It is great watching them try to read the books and come up with their own story based on the pictures. :)

  3. Yay for ittle readers! You're right, he's definitely reading to her... Great job.

  4. I hope our son grows to love books too! Good to know someone else is gnawing on their books as well!

  5. That's fantastic! My younger is getting more and more into books and I'm so glad because I thought she'd never be. Glad that they can share the books together.

  6. Books are so wonderful! How nice that little sis is trying to follow along. Cute shot!

  7. so great...both that they're reading, and that they're hanging out together! My girl never had the patience for reading until recnetly, and I am so glad to see her devloping a love of books now.

  8. That's so adorable! We're all big readers, and end up going to the library at least once - if not twice! - every week.

  9. Sweet capture. My boys have always loved books. We have a mix of Harry Potter, NASCAR and assorted fiction and non-fiction. But they still love to pull out their old picture book favorites.

  10. I LOVE books and we have hundreds of them! Both my kids love to read, um I guess the baby likes to chew on them too. Right now, Lauren, who's 4, likes any book related to Halloween.
    Your photo is so sweet! I love to see the older kids reading to their sibs.

  11. Anything by Sandra Boynton, Maurice Sendak, Dr. Seuss. Some of my personal favorites that I love to share with my children are Ferdinand, Charlotte's Web, all the Winnie the Pooh books. Every night before I left them in the NICU, I'd read Good Night, Moon and my all-time favorite kids book ... Guess How Much I Love You. I still cry reading that to them, and they are 5 1/2 now. To the moon and back, to the moon and back.


  12. love this. he's so expressive and she's such the captive audience. :)


  13. The teacher in me is so thrilled to see little kiddos reading!

    M loves all kinds of books. She just loves to hold them and look at the pictures. She rotates through her favorites, although anything with animals definitely takes the cake right now.

  14. So great that they love books! It's so important. Zoe doesn't really have a favorite... she's happy with just about any picture book... and is starting to sit through short stories. We barely ever make it out of a store without buying a new book!

  15. What a sweet picture! I love seeing little readers. My little readers are now bigger readers and my oldest is loving the Boxcar Children. My younger one is just about reading on his own.

  16. That is so sweet! We are book lovers here too. Foo loves any book she can get her hands on. Luna loves the first four pages of any book she gets her hands on. Then she's off to do something else for a while. :)

  17. The most charming thing about this picture is Yael. Those cheeks! How can you keep from eating her up?


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