
Monday, October 29, 2007

Spiritual Parenting - Best Shot & a Giveaway

Updated - comments closed. Winner annouced after Shabbat!

It's hard to look into these eyes...

and not see God.

It's hard to look into this face and not think that something Incredible out there has created this amazing little being. How can I make her continue to see that she is created in the image of God, even as the outside world seems to be working against me??

Along those lines...
For my first ever blog give-a-way, I will be giving one copy of
10 Principles for Spiritual Parenting: Nurturing Your Child's Soul
by Mimi Doe and Marsha F. Walch

This is a beautiful and wonderful book full of ideas and inspiration for bringing parenting back to a spiritual level. No matter what your spiritual tradition, this book is full of warmth and thoughts on bringing holiness into your life. The chapter titles alone are inspiring: "Be a Positive Mirror for Your Child" and "Add Magic to the Ordinary" are two of them. I very much enjoy this book and I hope that you will too.

Here's how you can win this book:
1. Make a comment here. Tell me how you balance your family life. This is your entry!
2. If you feel so inclined (I'd like it a lot), post on your blog or tell a friend about this giveaway and link back to me.
3. Don't forget to give me a way to get in touch with you if you win!
4. Contest ends on Friday, November 2nd at 5pm. I will post the winner Saturday evening after Shabbat is over.

See more giveaways here:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And see more Best Shot Monday here.


  1. Phyllis ~

    Many years ago, before Andrew and I were married, we talked a lot about G-d. We were to become and interfaith couple, and religion was a hot topic. One day I remember him asking me how I could be so sure that G-d existed.

    I told him that I saw G-d everywhere. To me, G-d's handiwork was all around me. In the flowers, tres, the eyes of a child. Especially in the eyes of a child. He asked me again, "are you sure?" My reply was instantaneous. "Absolutely."

    I marvel everyday on G-d, and try to share that wonderment with my children, in whose eyes I see not only G-d, but their Daddy, too.


  2. What a doll! My husband used to be an atheist. I refused to marry him until he acknowledged that there was a Creator--and it wasn't Man! What finally forced his hand? I asked him to visualize our future child. I then asked him to imagine looking into that child's eyes and telling her she had no soul. That was his AHA! moment. Thankfully he's a very spiritual man now; I tear up every time I hear him say a prayer with our son, or explain to him Who made the great day they're enjoying together. I guess that's our balance--Mom and Dad in spiritual cahoots, raising their children in shared beliefs.

  3. I'm not sure how parenting can not be spiritual really.
    For me, it is a spiritual path.
    It wakes me up; it humbles me and expands me; it heals me even as it challenges me.
    I am coming to understand that though I am not the perfect mother I am the perfect mother for Leo, and this is enough.

  4. And she probably feels God in your loving touch! :)

    Beautiful picture!

  5. I balance my family by making sure we worship together as a family unit. I also teach confirmation classes at our church (that my girls are currently taking) and have tried to show them the importance of serving God any way we can. We also take part in many of the missions of our church and know how important it is to help out others in need. My girls try to carry this over at their school as well, by being as involved as they can there too. The time I give to our church is my gift from God.

  6. Those eyes...I completely agree!

  7. What a lovely giveaway! I'm trying to think how I balance my family life...but I don't balance it with anything. My family IS my life. Right now, it's just me, my husband and the Lord. It's lovely! We're excited to expand our family whenever He sees fit, and we're looking for all the parenting help we can get!

  8. count me in...we are foster parents parenting two for six months/3 weeks and we're still trying to find balance in our parenting as this is a first for us...LOL.

  9. I am a multi-tasker. I have to be with seven children. I think for the most part, organization is the key. If you are organized, you're not running around trying to find something thus giving you more time with your family.

  10. Just this morning my 6yo was in the car with me just before dawn and was watching the sunrise. I said "Isn't it great that God gives us a beautiful start to the day?" And he replied "GOD IS SO GREAT!"

    Kids just get it. I'd love to have this book to bring more spirituality to our home life.

  11. I work on the weekends so I can stay involved with the kids during the week. That's how we balance it since I have to work to help support our household.

    Count me in and Come enter mine, too!

  12. Phyllis -

    We are created in G-d's image (which of course can be interpreted many ways)...but look into those eyes...I rest my case...there ya go :)

    The Egel Nest

  13. I would enjoy this book. I know that when I look into each of my childrens' eyes that God made him/her special!

  14. I balance my life by keeping God in the center. Everything must revolve around Him.

    Please enter my name into the contest.

  15. Thanks for the chance to win. It sounds like a great book. I have found that remembering that most everything that bothers me is just a small thing rather than the big deal it seems at the time, helps me be more of a good, loving parent rather than a nagging, critical one. Having a sense of humor keeps things in balance too.

    amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

  16. This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put me in!!

  17. What a wonderful gift! I'd love to receive this!

  18. This is a wonderful gift to give . I'll have to come back and search around you blog. Balancing the spiritual part of life with the worldly life can be so difficult . One is bombarded with so many unGodly things. We homeschool our children. Trying to help them find their balance before they are shoved out into the world and having to handle such a massive mission.

    God bless

  19. this sounds wonderful!

    I'd love this!! Please add me!


  20. Hmm, how do I balance our family's life? I try to make sure we are not overscheduled...that we have some downtime each day. And I pray a lot.

  21. It was really difficult trying to balance everything when our little one was first born. We moved and ended up having to find a new church so it's very difficult but hubbie and I make sure we set aside time to pray together and read the Word together.

  22. I love our family calendar. It helps me see who needs to be where :) I include everything on it b/c if I don't write it down, I won't remember it!!

  23. God comes first, then family. Making sure my husband and my relationship is strong.

  24. I often think the same thing, looking into the eyes of my little one...God's presence is to, so apparent there.

  25. We make sure to take time to be a family and do things together without outside distractions.

  26. I'm new to parenting and am looking for ways to instill a love for God in my son's heart. I also really want him to know the Father's love for him! I could sure use this book!

  27. I think for the most part, organization is the key.

  28. I would love to experience this. please count me in.

  29. I try to tie in God to whatever we do. We read a few verses together and pray at meals and bedtime, but most important is just trying to show my daughter how God is in every aspect of our lives no matter what we are doing.

  30. what a little angel. :)

    balance is hard for me. i'm still trying to figure it all out. right now i think i give most to my kids and i need to save something for my husband and myself. it's something i work on.

  31. I am still trying to figure out how to balance everything, after 19 yrs of marriage and 5 kids!! I try to plan alone time with hubby still and we try to eat meals together the best we can (harder now that the oldest kid is working). Homeschool at least keeps us together more during the day.

  32. Phyllis,
    My family life is kept in balance through alot of prayer. God's amazing love and strength he give me each day, is an anwer to those prayers.

    I'm doing a giveaway over at my place. Hope you stop by.

  33. It gets easier to balance as they get older and the more children you have. ! was impossible for me and 2 is great and I can't wait to see what happens in the future.

    Make sure that you have outside activities but also days where you are home, and don't worry about getting everything done right now- just love your little girl, play with her and spend all the time you can with her now. It will go by much too fast.

  34. She is precious~

    We pray every night together as a family! We go to church as a family... We pray for others as a family.

    My son is our little missionary, he asks other people when we are out and about.

    This book looks great, and looks like a great resource! Count me in~

  35. Thanks for the chance to win. You guys are GREAT!!!

  36. This looks like a great book.
    I try to balance with my family by working from home as much as I can and spending as much time as possible with my young daughter. We try to do family activities together on the weekends, too.

  37. We depend upon the Lord to guide and direct our fmaily!

  38. Well as a mom of 3, so far, and babysitting twins, while home schooling and keeping house, balance is a fine line. If I have to let something go, laundry, dishes, etc I let it go, no guilt. I also rely heavily on God to get me through my days.

  39. I would love this. I want God to be a part of everything I do.

    We try to find balance by having a special day where we don't do anything but spend time together as a family on a regular basis. Building those memories is so important.

  40. I have seventeen grandchildren, so just trying to see them all is a balancing act.

  41. What a great giveaway!!! Please enter me! Thanks! To balance my family life - God MUST be kept first and the center of our family, or else we are completely off-balanced!!!!

  42. please put me in the draw

  43. Looks like a great book. Count me in....

    I have found I am most balanced when my priorities are in order and I am spending daily time with God.

    multitasking and organization also help...

  44. the balance is always hard...which is why I am up at 4 am, reading these :). I constantly struggle with balancing a full time job and three small kids...owning my own business allows me to be active at school and work too.

  45. I pray a lot. My little ones are learning basic prayers, and it's so sweet to hear them pray!

  46. Balance is hard - but focusing on the Lord helps, and my dh has one day off a week that is OUR day for our family alone, which is awesome!

  47. I take my 5 kids to church. We pray every day, and I'd like to read this book.

  48. It would be impossible to balance without the assisting hands of God and his angels. You baby is beautiful.

  49. Since dh is a pastor, we spend alot of time in our church. To keep a balance for the kids we make sure to have family time on his days off.

  50. I could definitely use this. =) Please count me in.

  51. Our life is centered around Christ. Each and everyday is a blessing.

    Pleezzzzzzzzze pick me!

  52. What a great giveaway!!! How to balance -- um, honestly I really don't know. Right now my life seems definitely out of balance. Maybe I should make it a point to actually go to my church and take my children this Sunday.

  53. What a great giveaway. I try so hard to balance family with the rest of life. More and more I'm learning to stop other things and spend time with them in the moment.

    writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

  54. I asked my husband the other day how we could be sure our kids will love Jesus and all he said was "We have to love Jesus and let them see it in us."

  55. Looks like a great book!! Thanks for sharing!

  56. The book sounds amazing. We include our faith in every aspect of our lives. It's just who we are - and that determines what we do and how we live. I try to immerse my children so much in the love of God every day so that it will be very difficult for them to ever wonder if He really does exist or love them.

  57. Staying in touch with God! When things are feeling off-balance, I'm probably trying to do it without His input!

  58. I think the best way to balance a family is to pray together, study the bible, eat together, stay involved in your childrens' activities, etc.

  59. How do I balance my family life? By taking it one day at a time, and taking that time to enjoy the little things. Soaking up the moments.

    Great prize - would love to win!

    And those eyes are AMAZING!

  60. Great Giveaway! Please enter me.

    We find balance in our family by worshiping and praying together. We have dinner together every night and hold hands around the table and everyone says a prayer. Sometimes the prayers are simple & rote, "Thank You for this day and Thank You for this food." Sometimes the prayers are quite detailed.

  61. Dinner every night together and I work two days a week which makes me feel balanced since we need the extra money right now. We also have prayer and devotions each night before bed - that helps!!


  62. We balance family and life by including family in every part of our life! Our kids work alongside us, we teach them through life experiences. We rarely leave them with other people because we truly enjoy having them around!

  63. I find balance by not overscheduling activities.

  64. We *try* to balance by cutting back on activities and turning off the TV and getting off the internet.

  65. I'd really like to have this book. I know that you will pray about it and it will get to the right hands! Have a wonderful autumn!

  66. This sounds like a great book. I hope I win.

  67. This book sounds great. We just make our family a priority. I think it is also very important to make your marriage a priority and not get consumed with the kids.

  68. I balance my family life through lots of prayer.

  69. I'd love to win this book. We have a one year old and are trying to do the best we can with balancing home, family, work, and bringing up a Godly child.

  70. my balance literally hinges on prayer..;)
    at 44 i am now raising my 2 grandsons ,age 2&1/2 and 5..also in home is hubby,15 year old stepson ,27 year old daughter got on drugs in feb. of this year and we have the boys..just 2 weeks ago she returned looking for help with rehab..for several months i didnt even know if she was dead or alive..when u have that on your mind and have to stay alert to the needs of those with you,god is the only thing i can stand up on..he gives me hope ....he lifts me when i dont even want to raise my head...he has been and will be my rock...

    happy holidays!

  71. I am trying to balance my life, but this would be book would be perfect for me and my wife.

    Especially since we have a little special one coming in Feb. I am sure this book could help in us trying to balance our everyday lives together and with another one to care for.

