
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Birthday Fun and Games

So Frume Sarah tagged me a while back for a meme of 7 things about me...but since it's my birthday tomorrow, I thought I'd respond with a little Thursday here goes...with, of course, a birthday theme.

1. I really remember the birthday party (I think it was age 4) at home when we ate hot dogs and cake.

2. I have only been in school once on my birthday, during my year in Israel, and I was able to read Torah on my birthday. Just once. I've never brought a birthday treat to school on my birthday!

3. Even my Bat Mitzvah was not celebrated anywhere near my birthday because why have a party in Wisconsin in December if you don't have to? April was the way to go.

4. I have 3 kids but I was only pregnant on my birthday with one of them - the 3rd.

5. I actually have a friend whose birthday is the same day. And she has a twin. So that's three people that I know that share my birthday!

6. When I was young, I had birthday parties at the roller rink, the ice-skating rink, Hardee's, and Grounde Rounde. Then we switched for a while to New Year's Eve slumber parties (the middle school years) until one girl threw up at 3am and wanted to go home. Then the slumber parties took a hiatus.

7. The year I turned 8 I had a princess cake. The cake part looked like a big skirt and there was a barbie-ish doll stuck in the top but she had no legs. The reason I remember this so clearly is that it's also the year that my brother was born and he was only about 15 days old at that party. I remember him crying a lot.

8. One year I demanded a purple cake. My mom obliged but I remember that it was more lilac than purple.

9. The birthday before I got married, my then-fiancee bought me a Palm Pilot. It has changed my life! Digital organization rocks my world.

10. I have attended a wedding and a Bar Mitzvah on my birthday.

11. On my 18th birthday I went to Village Hall and registered to vote. I think they thought I was a big geek but it was a big deal to me!

12. On my 21st birthday, I did the requisite bar-hopping in Madison, Wisconsin. A friend insisted I lay down on a pool table so she could take a silly photograph of me doing something silly on my 21st birthday.

13. I have joked that I received a "directional upgrade" for my 30th birthday. I wonder what kind of upgrade I'll get for 31?

See more Thursday Thirteen here.


  1. Ahh, birthday parties at the roller rink. Those were the days... Did you have a comb sticking out of your back pocket too?

    Hope this year's birthday is a great one!

  2. Happy~ Happy Birthday! I hope you have a super day! Fun memories!
    Happy TT!
    Come see me, too! :)

  3. Those are some great birthdays. I live in Wisconsin too so I'm with ya on the rather have a party in April thing.

    Happy TT

  4. Oh yes, the birthday parties are fond memories. We are entering into the purple, princess cakes already at my house. Hope you had a great day!

  5. Since we are such good friends, I have decided to respond to your birthday thursday thirteen with my own 13 list (in response to yours):
    1. I can't imagine you eating hot dogs...ever.
    2. I have a summer birthday...never got to celebrate in school either. I feel your pain.
    3. Smart move
    4. Yea!!! Yael!!!
    5. My best friend growing up, Tamar, has the same birthday as you. So now you know 4 people (and, ironically, I know twins with my birthday too! hehehe)
    6. Again, meaty restaurants?
    7.As long as you didn't rip off the barbie head....
    8. I think you'll like your present this year from me ;)
    9. I remember that palm...
    10. I got nothing
    11. You are a BIG nerd...but at least you use it to make a difference in the world! :)
    12. I've seen that picture. It's clear that you are not that drunk.
    13. Wishing you a year filled with lots of love, health, and happiness

    Love Auntie Liz

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! - MIne is next month - so while I did occasionally have birthdays in school i don't remember celebrating them during school very often.

    The big thing *I* remember is the fact that the superbowl always seemed to fall on or near my birthday - ruining parties for many a year because everyone was too busy with the superbowl. Now that it's a week later it's a bit better. :)

  7. As the one who planned and executed the parties (though your Dad would like credit), I just want to say that your parties were great fun for me. I especially like the time I fell down trying to help a kid roller skating and my arm was sprained and in a sling for awhile. The 3am slumber party clean up was terrific also. I loved every moment of it. Love, Mom

  8. Well happy birthday to you! Mine was earlier this week, and I have 2 (of 3) kids with birthdays during the same week.

    Hope your 29th birthday is wonderful.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. thanks for the shoutout!!

    I loved the trip down memory lane. Many blessings for a happy, happy birthday! I am so glad that we are friends ;)


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