
Monday, December 3, 2007

Miracles... Chanukah Countdown Continues

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The holiday of Chanukah is all about celebrating miracles. And let me tell you, I have seen miracles in the past few days.

I was blessed to spend the weekend with two of my dearest and most wonderful friends and their gorgeous new twins, Eitan and Yael...(like the name? I do!), who were born back in August in a very dramatic fashion at about 2 1/2 pounds each. It was finally time to celebrate their Namings this weekend so I flew in, but Mother Nature had other plans for us and the snow/ice/sleet mix forced us to cancel the event on Sunday. Even in cancelling, though, was the small miracle of spending the whole day hanging out with these beautiful miracle babies! They are now almost 10 pounds each and doing great. What an incredible miracle...I couldn't stop looking at them!

So my best shot Monday is this little beauty...Eitan napping with his fingers curled up in the blankie. (I didn't ask for permission for their cute little faces so no posting of those!)

What miracles did you see this week?

P.S. For anyone that I confused with yesterday's post -- there was one day left to enter the giveaway, not one day left until Chanukah. Chanukah starts TUESDAY night.

See next post for Chanukah Giveaway Winner!!!

Previous Chanukah Countdown Party Posts:

How do you spell Chanukah?
What works for me on Chanukah
Have a Green Chanukah
Chanukah Chaiku
Applesauce vs. SourCream


  1. Those little fingers are so cute through the blanket!

  2. Look at that life just reaching through the haze of the blanket. Precious.

  3. very sweet. glad to hear they are doing well!

  4. What sweet little fingers! I'm glad your trip was fun despite the weather!

  5. So sweet. That's the best kind of miracle. Sounds like the babies are doing great!

  6. Very sweet picture and a true miracle and blessing!

  7. What a precious picture! It makes me want to snuggle that dear baby and thank God for all the miracle surrounding us.

  8. Glad they are doing well. I love those teeny tiny fingers.:)

    I keep my eyes wide open for miracles, because they happen right under my nose all the time.

    This week Wil drew a human form for the first time with arms, feet, etc. in correct place. That's a miracle to me because he was suppose to not walk or talk or have measurable intelligence. So everything he does is a miracle to me.

    Happy Chanukah.

  9. Oh, but the little fingers are precious. He looks so comfy!


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