But I think it's fun to do these things and it's the little things that I can contribute to my son's preschool classroom.
So I like to make play dough.
Here's how I do it:
Get all the stuff together:
You need: 4 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 4 cups water, 4 tablespoons oil, and 1/2 cup cream of tartar. Plus one packet of koolaid for color and scent. Pick a nice simple bright color. The grape is not really purple enough, imho.
Put it all together into a saucepan. Cook and stir pretty frequently over medium-low heat until it starts to form together. It will seem to take a long time to get there. Stick with it. You didn't do anything wrong!
It will start to come together and then just keep stirring.
Until you can squish it between your fingers and it's no longer sticky, but formed into playdough consistency.
Then cool and put in a ziploc bag. If you store in the fridge it will last longer -- a long time depending on how many kids play with it and sneeze on it...
At our pre-school's Purim Carnival, they have a play-dough room. Each kid gets a small bagfull of the stuff to play with and then take home. Great idea!
See what works for other people...
I love this! My mom made it for me when I was little. I love the feeling of the warm, squishy dough right out of the pan!
Um -- that's because you are "that" mom!!!
And your kids will love you for that ;)
Thanks! I have always wanted to make play doh. Maybe over spring break.
You are "that Mom!"--but that's just jealousy speaking :) Too bad we just gave the Boy a 40 can lot of the premade stuff. Bookmarking "recipe" for when I'm feeling ambitious!
Looks like fun!
Thanks for sharing!
When I was student teaching we sent the kids home with a recipe for Playdough, as I recall most of the families participated. The kids loved it.
We have done this and we have done GOOP. GOOP is a mixture of corn starch and water that if you mix it at the right consistency, it is solid if you press it, but liquid if you don't. My kids love it and beg me to buy corn starch every time we got to the store.
We have done this and we have done GOOP. GOOP is a mixture of corn starch and water that if you mix it at the right consistency, it is solid if you press it, but liquid if you don't. My kids love it and beg me to buy corn starch every time we got to the store.
rockin! :) i so need to do this. the crap playdoh we have from the store is just nasty and dries out too fast, though it's smell makes me nostalgic for my youth. crazy.
Thanks for this idea and recipe.
Sounds like the perfect activity for this weekend.
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