Without further ado....Haveil Havalim #171, the Packing For Camp Edition!
Read more about it:
Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack. The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means "Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English, 'vanity.'
Please please please publicize HH on your own blog and share the news about it!
Bring Your Flashlights...Illuminating Jewish Life
Lion of Zion shares this story of A Pasul Sefer Torah...sad but preventable.
Daf Yomi presents Angels, Aramaic and Language of Tefillah.
A Simple Jew presents a guest post from A Bas Noach Learning Tehillim.
Ben-Yehudah shares his Shabbath In Tapu'ah With Dov Shurin! posted at Esser Agaroth.
Dan Illouz presents Question of the Week - Parashat Korach posted at Tzipiyah.com. The answer had to be in before Shabbat, but do you know? I would guess we could all stay tuned for more questions and prizes! Also at Tzipiyah.com this week, 10 Questions with Dov Lerner of CAMERA, ZOA and Kedma, and also Parshat Korach: Korach's Mistake, and The All-Spiritual Afterlife, the Torah, and Me. Part One.
If you haven't heard, the Reform Movement just founded its own blog. A few interesting posts from this week's RJ.org blog...Does Judaism Go on Vacation in the Summer? and a discussion on Reform wearing Tallitot.
Bar Kochba explains what Moshiach will really look like at The Truth About Moshiach, and he reminds us of our responsibility as a generation that will live without Holocaust Survivors at For Zion's Sake.
Cosmic X presents Rabbi Druckman, Rabbi Sherman and the Conversion Crisis (Part 11), George Carlin, Seven Dirty Words and Our Living Soul, and Windows of Opportunity.
Here's a sweet view from a mom of a binding mitzvah posted at In the Pink.
Ilana-Davita, Leora, and Frumhouse are studying Pirke Avot together this summer. Cool use of blogland for an international chevruta study! Check out Leora's list of books, Frumhouse's explanation of Chapter 1, and Ilana-Davita's explanation of some of Pirke Avot's peculiarities.
Pack the Sheets and Towels...Wrapping up Israel & The World This Week
Soccer Dad takes on Nicholas Kristof of the NYTimes in Anthony lewis ii.
Batya reports on Olmert's doings...The Higher He Goes, The Harder He'll Fall at Shiloh Musings. She also wants us to come visit for Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. Batya also shares this guest post...Expellees and Illness by Hadassa DeYoung.
With more about Olmert, Esser Agaroth encourages his resignation...and he also shares this post about doings in Yitzhar: Curiouser And Curiouser....
Shira0607 thinks about the need for safe rooms and building walls.
A Conversation I Once Had recounts Eric's conversation with an African Muslim.
Aliza from Tzipiyah.com shares these thoughts ...To Define and to Defend...on Jewish life in Israel. Also from Tzipiyah.com comes
Read this interesting post: The BBC's Take on Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries: posted at The Volokh Conspiracy. Judeopundit talks about the same topic in MPAC-UK reacts to the suggestion that we should remember Jews expelled from Arab countries.
BritishYosef reminds us that Gilad, we miss you. (how many of you changed your profile pics this week? It was pretty amazing to see them all change on Facebook.) Gila isn't so sure about the trend: Am I Waiting for Gilad Shalit?.
Gila also presents Alyn Wheels of Love is Hitting the Road, and Collect the Whole Set.
Back on the subject of Gilad Shalit (maybe this should have been the Waiting for Gilad Shalit Edition?), Daled Amos shares that Gilad Shalit’s Book is now on YouTube.
Golan Heights 6: The White Falls from Planet Israel has gorgeous shots of waterfalls and reminds me how nice it would be to hike there again soon! And hey, Leora is in Israel!
Unfortunately, Seraphic Secret reports on recent violence against Jews in France: The Jew-Hating Savages of Paris.
On the upside, Ilana-Davita shares good news about the French-Jewish community. Are there any other French-Jewish bloggers out there?
Harry presents a Jerusalem pizza smackdown at the Jerusalemite blog. My 2 shekels: I like Pizza Sababa myself. Maybe it's just the name. But I remember it as being pretty yummy.
And don't forget the Toys and Games....Culture, Politics, Interesting Posts, and Other Fun Stuff
JackB shares his adventure with the Sprinklers.
Writes Like She Talks has seen this around town: Jews not confused on Obama. She wonders if this were in Arabic, what would the message be? Hmmm....interesting question.
Yid with Lid presents The Official Secret Political CODE to Make People Afraid of OBAMA, and also Joe Klein. Your Grandma Would Be Ashamed of You.
Here's a conversation with Raz Hartman, musician and spiritual leader - Jerusalemite.net from the Jerusalemite Blog.
The Rebbetzin's Husband rants a little in The Condescending Tzedakah Collector, and he also shares this lesson on how To Coach a Committee.
Batya muses about politics with Sung To The Tune Of... and she wants us all to know her Big News.
The Babysitter expounds on Communication and Fear.
Here's a short story from Mottel: The Sky's Tears, and also these pictures of Brooklyn -By Night and Day.
Happy Birthday, Treppenwitz! A great list of things to do before....
Heshy makes us laugh with his take on the Shidduch Resume at Jewish Comedy. For more funny stuff, check out this post from Child Ish Behavior: Bai’Iss Kosher©.
Raizy presents Info for Special Children posted at SuperRaizy.
What *does* a rabbi do at camp? My colleague Paul Kipnes shares what he does. (Stay tuned for what I do!)
Leah Koenig of the Jew and the Carrot wants to know why the food world is obsessed with lobster and bacon. And, as though she intuited my camp theme here, she posted this piece on the ethics of camp food.
The Parve Baker talks about eggs and Torah.
Mother in Israel is still thinking about Modeling for our Children. (It's a continuation of an infrequent series that started with Trusting our Children.)
Robin reviewed a great book called I Will Not Be Broken. Check it out. (my review is coming soon too of this great book)
Check out this nice roundup of food blogs in J-blog-land from Chaviva.
Miriam muses about finding a community and neighborhood for her family.
Please send your posts for the next edition of the Haveil Havalim Blog Carnival via the Blog Carnival Submission Form. If you're interested in hosting or receiving more information about the carnival, please contact Jack at talktojacknow-at-sbcglobal-dot-net (and please, for the sake of our hosts, try not to submit more than 3 posts a week!)
Please please please publicize HH on your own blog and share the news about it!
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming...
Thanks and congratulations for the great work Phyllis. Shavua tov from France.
Thanks for the links. I appreciate it. And thanks for hosting.
HH 171 is up
Thank you for including me, both on Pirkei Avot, which I plan to get back to studying in July, and on Israel, on which I have started to post and will continue, as I have taken about 500 pictures here... if I post one a day, I will still be posting about Israel next summer...
Is this your third time hosting HH? Great job. Thank you for taking care of us bloggers.
Great job! Thanks for including my post.
Thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it.
Good job, thanks for doing it.
thanks for the link!
Ahh! I made it! I think this is the first time I've ever made it! Todah rabah for the hard work :)
thanks for including me, and great job!
Thank you very much for the linkage. Perhaps Pizza Sababa has gone down hill since your last visit!
Have a fantastic time at camp! And thanks for hosting.
Thanks for the link! Great job on the carnival.
Sorry for being late in my congratulations but have been computer starved over here in NY. But, better late than never. Good show!
Yisrael Medad
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