Sunday, October 19, 2008

Overheard in the Sukkah

(We invite ushpizin - guests - into our sukkah)

Teacher: how about the first Jew in the Torah - who was that?

Student, proudly: Abraham Lincoln!



Anonymous said...

I'll do you one better....

My oldest was four years old. At that time, we did not live on the North Shore, but living in the western suburbs.

On his very first day of Sunday School, our Rabbi brought them into the sanctuary, and opened the Ark. He brought out the Torah to show the kids.

"And what people are in the Torah?" he asked.

My son's friend raised his hand, and proudly yelled out...


Ilanadavita said...

It just shows you the importance of Jewish education! Not that you're not convinced already I realize.

Anonymous said...

Hi- Until now I somehow missed your comment on my blog, but I am always glad to meet a fellow Biblical-feast participant. My family and I are not Jewish, but a couple of years ago we felt led to do some research on all the "traditional" American holidays. Well, after that, we felt very much led to celebrate the feasts of our G-d instead of Christmas, Easter and Halloween. Each year we implement a new feast, since it is quite an endeavor for us to go through each feast and learn its significance and how G-d has instructed us to participate. This year we implemented Sukkot, and it was interesting. For someone who doesn't want a whole lot of disruption to her life, the Sukkah was an interesting experience. But again, good to find your blog. I'm always looking for people who can help instruct our family how to fully participate in the feasts of our G-d.