
Monday, January 19, 2009

Visiting Camp in the Winter

Every year, the faculty of OSRUI meet up at camp for about 24 hours to begin the process of planning for camp.

It's cold and snowy.

It's a completely different experience than when we're up there in the summer! It's quiet and empty, rather than loud and full of people.

But it makes me realize that in 146 starts!

It is, however, a little bit hard to imagine right now.

Haveil Havalim is up over here.


  1. What a great set of photos! Each one is lovely, even though it is winter. Winter has its own beauty. I love the one of the showes in the snow.

  2. It's always so hard to imagine warm sunny days during the heart of the winter darkness, but somehow they still manage to come anyway. Not soon enough, but eventually.


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