
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jewish Mommy Meme - Community ROCKS

It's so great to find other Jewish moms blogging out there. The Homeshuler has created her own Jewish Mommy Meme and tagged me! So here goes...

1. Challah – home baked or bought?
I love to bake challah and I have some great recipes, but usually we eat the one that comes home from school with my preschoolers. It's a school fundraiser (I think) and it's easy. Easy is good right now. I do love a good home-baked challah...

2. Favorite shabbat meal:
My favorite meal is whatever I can prepare in advance for my family to eat while I'm getting ready or already at services. We have 6:30pm services each week and my kids are too young to make it. So I usually prepare dinner in advance and get it all ready to go, with directions for the completion of the preparation! One of our recent favorite meals are these Quorn cutlets....they are very yummy. (We are vegetarian in our house, so no chicken....)

3. Any creative shabbat rituals?
We have a tie-dyed challah cover....the kids wear their kippot and sing the brachot, usually with the Abba...when my oldest was really young, we decided that the only day for TV watching was Shabbat. While this may seem like a backwards plan for some of my more frum readers, it made sense to me. The idea of Shabbat is to set it apart and make it special. This was the point of the TV gig. (Side note, whenever he went to my parents, they'd let him watch TV all the time, coining the phrase "it's always Shabbat at Bubbie and Zeyde's.") This was a big problem when we visted my frum relatives and had to explain that on Shabbat they DON'T watch TV. But I think that's another post. Anyway, eventually he figured out that the TV works on other days and the whole Shabbat/TV thing ended. I have a lot of visions for great Shabbat ideas but in general I just find myself saying things like "dessert? sure, it's Shabbat..." and that seems to work.

4. Shul? With or without the kids? (yes, I know some of you are rabbis)
Usually for Tot Shabbat, which is just their speed. Plus they're at the synagogue all the time. I'm trying to get my oldest to services on a more regular basis - now that he can read English and Hebrew, I think it's important. For myself, obviously, I'm there a lot. A LOT.

5. Traditionally shomer shabbat? If not, what’s your definition/style?
Not "traditionally" but happily observant of Shabbat. At the moment my biggest Shabbat observance is no Facebook, no Twitter, and no blogging...but I do use the phone/drive/etc. I've always said that the idea of shomer, meaning "guard" is about making sure we're aware that it's Shabbat and making it special. See answers to the above question.

6. Favorite shabbat story/book
How Yussel Caught the Gefilte Fish.

Love it.

I probably have 20 other favorites. But this is the top of the list! (With my oldest, we read Shai's Shabbat Walk every week. But we've progressed...)

7. no seventh question – time to rest.
If you're a Jewish mommy and you read this blog, I tag you!
(See how neatly I did that? I always leave someone out... :-) )


  1. The more I read, the more I wish I could visit your shul. Slightly out of my driving range, so I'll content myself with keeping up with your entries.
    Small question: Have y'all tried the Quorn Roasts? They taste just like white turkey, and with gravy make a festive Shabbes meal. We found those when the kashrut debacle made us too wary and ashamed to buy meat.
    Big thing: can you tell me about your Tot Shabbat program? This may be too big a question for a comment, but I'm dying to know the structure. Do you use a siddur? What prayers and songs do you include? How do you incorporate the parsha? Is it organized and led by parents?
    I ask because I'm on a committee to redo our own program, starting from scratch. I'd love to hear about a program that actually works.
    Bible Belt Balabusta

  2. Re: #3
    Davka watching TV on Shabbat definitely falls under the definition of "creative."

    You have already discovered the downfall of that particular plan.

    So, the question is, now that your kids watch TV during the week, do you reverse your original plan and make 'no TV' what is different about Shabbat.

    I love the idea that "it's always Shabbat at Bubbie and Zeyde's."

    As a kid, we were not allowed to watch TV at my grandparents. When we were little, we played with toys. But, as we grew older, we participated in the conversations.

    My in-laws often put on a movie (a good one) when my kids are there. I suspect that will delay the time when they see spending time "just talking" with their grandparents as valuable.

    I hope I am wrong.


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