
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer? What Summer?

Robin has started a new weekly photo meme.

Ever one to join in, I've contemplated her meme for weeks.

But the summer hasn't quite cooperated. We had a few nice warm days maybe two weeks ago. It seemed real enough that we took out all the shorts and sandals.

Then it went away....and we haven't seen hide nor hair of summer, even spring, really, since....

Instead, I now spend each morning locked in a small battle with my children who are insistent upon shorts (or in Yael's case, a skort). The other morning, I just gave in, and offered leg-warmers to go with the shorts. They were so excited...

And this, folks, is summer in Chicago.
Shorts, leg warmers, and sandals.

Ya can't beat it.

Go visit Robin for some far better more pictures of summer fun.


  1. 'And this, folks, is summer in Chicago.
    Shorts, leg warmers, and sandals.'

    LOL! Pretty much the same for us in Nova Scotia, Canada. We had one hot day last week - and everyone complained that it was too hot.

  2. Don't give up! The summer will be upon you soon - then you will dream about a cool day :)

  3. They look adorable!

  4. Now that's a great approach - lemonade from lemons and all that. The kids look adorable and pleased as punch with this solution.

    Summer's more a state of mind than a degree on a thermometer - and they've proven it.

  5. That look worked equally well for walking to school in the winter when I was a kid in New England. No pants were allowed for girls, so we had to wear our pants UNDER our dress or skirts and take them off when we got to school.

  6. I agree with Robin - looking at their sunny faces I'd believe its summer any time :)
    Hope you get some warm weather soon, though...

  7. Love it! Here in Texas, that's too hot for winter:-)! Cute kiddos.

  8. I think they both make a bold (and adorable) fashion statement

  9. Cute photo. Don't worry it'll all come in due time.

  10. Cute photo. Don't worry it'll all come in due time.

  11. Oh I know from summer in Chicago and very soon those leg warmers wont be needed ... thanks for visiting mine!

    Adorable kids and fun blog! I will be back ..

  12. TOO funny! They actually look pretty cute, so I guess everyone's happy.

    I am LOVING Yael's hair. :)

  13. This photo is much too precious. They look happy with their leg warmers on!

  14. This is funny. The leg warmers make me smile.

  15. LOL! I'm from Chicago, too. I totally appreciate the leg warmers with shorts. Yesterday was nice, but I swear, I went from a bathing suit at the pool to sweats and a sweater in the course of about 20 minutes! Waiting for one nice, warm day that lasts!!!

    The kids are adorable!!! Great picture!

  16. I LOVE the shorts, leg-warmers and sandals!!

    What a creative way to meet everyone's needs!!

  17. As we are heading rapidly into winter, we could use the leg warmers too maybe without sandals and shorts!
    Pretty cute.


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