
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My 15 MInutes

I am very excited to announce the delivery (in my own real mailbox) of this month's Reform Judaism magazine. The cover story, "CyberSanctuary: How the Latest Technology is Changing Jewish Life," features 5 rabbis and 3 lay leaders in a "cyber symposium." Guess who one of those rabbis is? Me!

I was invited to participate last December - remember, magazines have a long lead time. I must admit, I was hesitant about what to write because so much changes in the world of technology. I was very pleased to re-read my answers and felt that what I said six months ago was still relatively timely. I answered a question using Twitter as an example, and I know back in December (pre-Oprah's Twitter explosion) it wasn't exactly mainstream. But now, it turns out that I sound very cutting-edge!!!

I think it's really wonderful that so many of us are working hard to bring Jewish experiences into the technology age - and I enjoyed reading what the other participants had to say as well. It's interesting to hear what I'm doing and what's being done around the country/world. I must admit, sometimes I think I know everything that's going on and then I read an article like this only to find out that we're all in the same technological boat!

I'm hoping that some of my recent spike in traffic is thanks to this article. So I wanted to say hi {{{waving furiously}}} to all my new readers... I'm inviting you to stick around for a while. One good way to do that is to click over there <---- on the top of the left-hand column where it says "Subscribe to my feed" which you can do either in a reader or via email. This way you'll get my latest content delivered directly to your Reader program or your Inbox as soon as I create it!

To get you up to speed with what happens here at Ima on and off the Bima, the answer is - just about everything! I like to post about my family and my life, about Judaism and Jewish life, and really everything in between. I almost always put a link up to the weekly Jewish blog carnival, which gives a round-up of Jewish posts around the globe, and I have hosted it here a few times myself. Sometimes I review books or products and sometimes I give things away, so feel free to read, comment, and come back often. Those cute munchkins in the header pictures are my kids, and they definitely give me endless material...

Here are a few good posts to read to get to know me. Most of them contain a bunch of links to other posts, which is always the best way to read a blog!!
2008 Year-end Post
2007 Year-end Post
7 Posts About Me

But you don't have to start at the beginning - it's okay to just jump in and join the journey!
It's nice to have you along. Hope to see you again soon.


  1. Great post! I enjoy your blog, and the issues you write about.

    Congratulations! Mazel tov!

  2. saw it online - nice article, and timely!


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