
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back-To-School Tradition

What kind of traditions do you have for back-to-school?

Here's one of ours...(each one taken the day before school starts)


First Grade:

Second Grade:
Pretty neat to see how he has grown each year...
That's what works for me. What works for you?

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(ends Thursday)


  1. Great idea! I love how obvious it is how much bigger he has gotten.

  2. Love it! What a special thing to look back on!

  3. What a wonderful tradition. The visual, itself, is precious, and a special moment to reflect back on.

    I like how we can see how he has grown.

  4. Fabulous idea. I wish our school had something like this.

  5. That's awesome! At my son's preschool, they took his picture by a growth chart and they said they'd do it again at the end of the year.

    Growing up, the only real back-to-school tradition I remember is going out to dinner on the first day of school (especially after my mom started teaching!).


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