
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rosh HaShanah Giveaways

It's the first of September, which means that things are moving rapidly toward (gulp) the Jewish New Year.

In honor of these days of preparation, I offer two giveaways!

The first, you can go and get for yourself. It's truly a gift that you get each day in your inbox. It's called Jewels of Elul (see the big ol' button on the left-hand column over there?) and it's a wonderful collection of writings by various people on the theme of forgiveness. Click on over there and sign up for their free daily emails. It will be a wonderful addition to your High Holy Day preparations. (And for you rabbi-pals out there, it might give you some much-needed sermon inspiration!)

The second one is courtesy of Oh Nuts! Here's why I like them: First, they have great products! Second, they are kosher, which is great. Third, I'm really impressed by their marketing on Facebook and Twitter. They've built a great following and use the social media really well. (Oh and fourth, they seem to like me, which is nice.)

THREE WAYS to win - 2 from them and one through my lil' ol' blog. (Aren't you lucky?!)

1. To go to the Oh Nuts Rosh HaShanah gifts page.

Choose your favorite Rosh Hashanah Gift and leave a comment  HERE with the name of the gift. 
Tweet my giveaway for an extra entry...

(Did you see those yummy-looking chocolate-dipped apples!? Heaven, I tell you.)

On Thursday Sept 10, I will pick a random winner and Oh Nuts will send you a $20 gift from their site! What could be better?

2. Go to the Oh Nuts Facebook page and write on the wall your favorite Rosh Hashanah Gift.

3. Follow @ohnuts and  Tweet

Win a free Rosh Hashanah Gift from Follow @ohnuts and Retweet to enter
(Click here to tweet this!)

Absolutely full disclosure: if I get more than 40 comments on this post, I will get my own gift from Oh Nuts! So help me out, folks!!! Tell your friends...thanks!


  1. I love the Amber Glass Gift Tray!

  2. I love the Comb Honey Topped Square Glass Dish and wish I had one!

  3. I think the Wonder Wicker Gift Basket looks fantastic!!

  4. I like the Teiglach. It always reminds me of the Rosh Hashanas of my youth (we'd eat some every Rosh Hashana). Plus you just can't go wrong with honey slathered desserts!

    TechyDad at TechyDad dot com

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Now if it were truly about my own favorites, I'd have to go sour trout, but since I am busy compiling a rosh hashanah care package for my god-child who just started college and won't be home for the holidays (sniff), I would use the gift to add to his box. As I already got my dried apple rings and honey straws, I have to say something chocolate...the chocolate covered pretzels or carmel filled chocolate apples, perhaps?

  7. Thanks for the tip. Brilliant marketing. Now my mouth is watering, so I'll probably buy one, and I've spread the word by entering!

  8. I love the wonder wicked backet it is awesome

  9. The Wonder Wicker Gift Basket is loaded with really special items.
    It looks fantastic and original.

  10. The chocolate apples (of course!) Now I need to go get a snack!

  11. I love the honey dish and tray! I have always wanted something like this to serve my apples and honey.

  12. Absolutely full disclosure: if I get more than 40 comments on this post, I will get my own gift from Oh Nuts! So help me out, folks!!! Tell your friends...thanks!
    I want you to win.

    Do they have to be more than 40 different people? Can't I just leave you 30 more comments? ;-)

  13. For the Israeli market I like the amber glass gift. I do wish they had more to choose from here in Israel though - we like chocolate covered apples too!

  14. I like the honey & apple gift tra

  15. tweet!

  16. Thank you for the Jewels of Elul link. I signed up!

  17. A lovely collection of gifts but I have to go with the Israel Amber Glass Gift Tray; gifts from Israel are the best!!
    שנה טובה and thanks for the opp :)

  18. I pick the taiglech too. My mom used to make them, and I havent' had them since I was a kid. Though now I'm thinking it's my turn to learn how to make them....

  19. Love the honey dish and tray! Always looking for something to keep the honey in! Awesome, totally awesome!!! Good luck on your comments!

  20. i like the rosh hashanah 4 section gift tray

  21. chocolate covered apples!

  22. This site is awesome, yours and the oh nuts site ...yummy

  23. I'd love the plush set for my kids and AHHHHH. I just saw they have a big pack of honey sticks. My kids LOVE those.

  24. The Rosh Hashanah Family Box looks really great. . . . along with a lot of other items.

  25. Its a toss up between the Taigleach and the apple and dried fruit tray..

  26. Israel Chocolate & Nut Line-Up Gift Basket

    I mean...Israeli chocolate? How can you go wrong?!

  27. o, I love the peanut diamond chews!
    (are they considered a Rosh Hashonah gift? it was on that page)

  28. I'll help you get to 40. Since you twisted my arm. LOL

    I'd have to go with those chocolate apples as my fave. I'm thinking of adding them to the order I'm placing Sunday night. I just can't decide and don't need to buy all of the sweets. LOL

  29. OOOOOHhhh I would love some chocolate covered apples.. Pick me! Pick me!!!

  30. Glad to help you make your count

  31. Phyl-I hope this helps you get to 40. I'm always concerned entering a giveaway on your blog since I'm not Jewish! :) I hope you make it!

  32. tweet:

  33. I love the Chocolate Covered Pretzel Gift basket! Thanks


  34. I follow them on twitter....Tweet!

  35. Wonder wicker basket! Looks awesome!

  36. Oh I like the apples and pomergrante basket - yum!! :)

  37. I wrote on their facebook wall my favorite gift. Thanks!

    (Belinda P)

  38. Chocolate Apples....Yum-O!!!!!!
