
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reunion by Julie Silver - Review & Giveaway

I just want to start off by saying that I earned this CD.

Julie Silver, a sweet-voiced gem of a singer, is also pretty lively on Twitter and Facebook these days. And during a presenation I made at the recent URJ Biennial, she dared me to pinch the cheek of one of my co-presenters. She told me she'd give me a CD if I did it. How could I refuse!? After all, it was for you, my dear readers, so I could offer up this giveaway. So, in the spirit of full disclosure: I earned this CD and now I'm giving it away to one of you, lucky readers. See below for how to be entered to win.

Julie's CD is lovely. It's a pleasant and heart-warming mixture of liturgical music and what other reviews call "story-songs" (I just love the sound of that phrase....I want to tell story-songs!).

My favorite track is Halleluyah, a rendering of Psalm 150, is singable and lively - definitely a new favorite for me! I love how she mixes personal words in English with the prayerful words of Yih'yu l'ratzon and looks for shelter in a re-telling of part of the Hashkivenu prayer.

One of the most interesting songs on the album is Where Am I? This song puts into words the struggle that so many women feel when they read Torah - how can I find myself in these stories that for generations have left me out? How can I respond to statements that the Torah makes like "If a man should make a promise, his word must never fail/if a woman makes a vow to God, the same does not hold true/Her husband or her father must decide what she should do..."? Julie asks the question but doesn't really give an answer - and as she says at the end of the song - "surely this is what our tradition's all about" - we seek answers that we haven't yet found.

Each time I listen to the album, I find a new treasure in Julie's words and music.

It's available to buy here at SoundsWrite but it's a smidge less expensive to download from Amazon. know you want this CD. Of course you can buy it somewhere else, but you can also WIN IT here!

Leave a comment and make sure I know how to get a hold of you if you win.
Winner will be chosen on Tuesday, December 22nd. Tell your friends!
Extra entry for tweeting but YOU MUST LEAVE A SEPARATE COMMENT to tell me about your tweets, pretty please?
Wouldn't it be nice if you shared it on Facebook too? I'd appreciate it. You know you love me. Thanks, y'all!


  1. Phyllis, these give aways are amazing. I was just listening to a CD we got for our little one and she does a cover of one of Julie's songs. You can find me over on Facebook.


    p.s. Jeff says "Ewok in the bushes"

  2. Posted on twitter as well: catdfox


  3. My mom and I both really enjoy Julie Silver. I would love to win this! Thanks :)

  4. I tweeted about the giveaway at

  5. Pick me! :) We sang a beautiful Julie Silver song at Temple last night...would love to have a CD of her music to add to my collection! :) Happy Chanukah!

  6. You have the best giveaways!

    (rebecca @

  7. Love Julie Silver's music...would be thrilled to add this CD to my collection. Heading over to twitter now to tweet about the give-away.

  8. If you pick me I'll be able to spread the word on France.

  9. We love her music. Sad to say we don't have any of her CD's. :( Ooh Ooh, pick me, pick me!

  10. I love Julie Silver (& loved calling her out for laughing at me during our presentation)! I'm trying to build my Jewish music collection, as Biennial inspired me to get into Jewish music, and she'd be a great addition. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  11. Love Julie Silver's music from singing in our Kol Hakavod choir, but have only heard of her through our Cantorial Soloist. I don't have any of her CDs. Regards, Gary D. (AKA: Fuzzycop on Twitter)

  12. Okay...well...I really want to win this CD! I love Julie's music and I have such fond memories of her. My daughter got to sing with her when we lived in the Chicagoland area and were members of Etz Chaim in Lombard, IL. Several congregations got to form a "choir" for her concert. Not only that, a number of years later, after we had moved to California, my daughter sang her v'ahvta during her bat mitzvah. Her portion was the sh'ma and v' rather than read it so many times during the service, she sang that song. People who had never heard that version were asking her later to sing it again or where she had learned it. Thanks Julie! I still love that version. I'd love to load up some new Julie Silver music onto my Ipod. I still listen to her in the car...

  13. Oh...and I retweeted your note about winning the cd...just so you know!

  14. I love Julie Silver's music-- we play it in services all the time!

  15. I've never heard of her, but your description makes this CD sounds like something I'd like. So, what the heck, I'm jumping in at the last minute to enter. :-)
    YiddishBitterRose at gmail dot com

  16. tweet:
