Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Indoor Sukkah, 5771

*Alternate Title: How the (pregnant) Ima supervised this year's sukkah construction.
See this post for the outdoor sukkah building!

Each year we put up an "Indoor Sukkah." You certainly don't have to tell me that Sukkot is intended to be an outdoor holiday. But trust me, if we're outdoors for more than 50% of the days of Sukkot, I consider that to be a minor miracle. We've had rain and snow and heat and the Indoor Sukkah is our constant reminder and celebration of this great holiday.

This year, my husband was enlisted to help since it's not the wisest thing for me to be standing on chairs right now.
And Sam supervised while snuggling with his lulavim and etrogim that he found in the Sukkah Box.
Yael, ever the helper, tangled the fruit as best as she could.
How do you celebrate Sukkot?

Some of my previous posts on this of my favorite holidays!

1 comment:

Marla said...

Thanks for the nudge in the right direction...callin it an indoor sukkah. Our school has been unable to erect the sukkah because of days of torrential rains. (If you care to look at one of our days over the past week... We only have school for 3 days during Sukkot and cannot even decorate until Monday! I've been wracking my brain on how to present it. SO SIMPLE! An indoor sukkah this year. Not perfect, not exactly right, but the best we can do!(especially when I am not the one in charge!!!)