
Monday, April 25, 2011

Snippets of Seder

Yael helped me to make the charoset. No one else wanted to help...
They did help to spoon it onto the Seder Plate, though.
And put out the matzah...

I seriously could have written a blog post just of the out-takes from this family photo...but maybe next time.
The annual wearing-of-the-plagues.

And playing with the froggies...
Ima's little matzah ball - isn't he delicious?


  1. I ESPECIALLY love that family photo :) I can only imagine the drama behind it! XOXO

  2. Wheee, I love the family photo! If you have one with David and yael actually looking at the camera, I'd be happy to provide a little photoshop magic for you. Literally all of our family photos ever have been combinations of two or more.

    xoxo and chag sameach!

  3. The wearing of the plagues? Too cute! I want to incorporate that into our seder once my kids are big enough. What a great idea!


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