
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Memories of my Bubbie

My grandmother, Rose, died this week.
In the midst of all that is going on in our lives.
She was 96 years old, and she lived a wonderful life. She was one of my favorite people in the whole world.

When I was a kid, she was always around. She drove me to orthodontist appointments, made french toast, took me swimming, let me eat whatever I wanted, and basically was my biggest cheerleader. She taught me to bake - mandelbread, carrot cake, apple cake, and more...

She was always concerned for and about me - was I eating enough? Was I sleeping enough? Was I working too hard? And she was so darn proud of me. I always wanted to make sure I was worthy of her pride - she was, of course, completely unbiased!

Above all her life's blessings - she truly adored her grandchildren (me, of course!) and her great-grandchildren (there are actually others besides mine, but hey - this is my blog!)

A long life. I will miss her every day.

Taken this past Thanksgiving
At Solly's brit milah

May her memory shine brightly for a blessing.
Zichrona livracha.


  1. So very sorry to hear of the loss of your bubbie. May we all live such rich, full lives and may her memory always be sweet to you and all her loved ones.

    Sending you lots of xoxo from NYC.

  2. One of the most special things to me about Bubbe Rose is that her caring was so inclusive. We were technically your mother's family, not hers, but she took us in.

    I grew up with family all around--and then moved here where I was only related to your family. Bubbe Rose reached out to help fill that gap. In addition, she was an unflagging cheerleader who had the gift of making me feel the faith she had in me. That faith was a great gift, particularly when I had young children.

    I have tried hard to emulate her in many ways (although I will never manage to like cooking.) She was a wonderful person and I think I am a better person for having known her.

  3. I am sorry for your loss. May your bubbe's memory be a blessing for you and yours.

  4. I am so very sorry for your loss. May her Memory be for a Loving Blessing.

    That last photo is so poignant.

  5. Phyllis,

    Lorena, Jonah and I want to fill your thoughts with love in memory of Rose. Your pictures show what a lovely person she was and how close she was to you.

    Knowing and loving your family, as we do, we are sure you are all leaning on one another for strength and understanding during an already difficult time. Evidently, God knows you are strong enough to handle another trial. Let's just hope God looks elsewhere next time when passing out trials.

    Please convey our heartfelt support and hugs to your parents and family as well.




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