
Friday, August 16, 2013

#blogelul 10: see

I really want to write a post about seeing and photographing. Does it change an event when we take pictures of it? Do we remember it more if we have to SEE every moment or if we know we will have photos to remind us? Or do we see more because we are looking for the perfect shot to capture it -- does this quest for the details help us to see more?

I will write that post someday but today I just leave the questions here. 

Ah, Elul....

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate a chance to reflect on this. I often carry my camera on my hip, never knowing when a moment will come along that I will wish to "capture." Sometimes this means I pay more attention to the world, and sometimes it means I'm more concerned about the picture (and the ego attachment that goes with it) than the world. Which is why when I go out on Shabbat, the camera usually stays home.


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