
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

#BlogExodus and #ExodusGram 5780

Rosh Chodesh Nisan is on Thursdsay, March 26, 2020.
I know we're all in lockdown mode. I know it means that Passover is going to be VERY different this year.

And I also know that many people are out there, looking for ways to be creative, engaged, and focused on the real meaning and messages in our lives today.

So...with Passover around the corner, you might not be making brisket or matzah balls. You might have cancelled your big Passover plans and are planning a small seder (perhaps online!). And it's all so different. Which makes this a great time to have something to focus on, something to think about that is a little bit outside of our four walls.

Enter: BlogExodus and Exodusgram.

So what is this really about? #BlogExodus is really what you want to make of it. I've provided topics for the first 14 days of the month of Nisan. What you do with it is up to you -- write a blog post, tweet, Facebook, tumblr, or something that I haven't even thought of yet! Use the hashtag to share your post (I put it into the title of each post). It's a great way to kickstart a blog or rejuvenate your languishing blog or just get yourself ready for the holiday of Passover! I will be posting my #blogExodus posts here on this blog and I will tweet them out at @imabima.

Maybe you don't have a blog? I'll post an "open thread #blogExodus" each day on my Facebook page as well, so you could just post your thoughts, photos, comments, or haikus there. Maybe you're a yogi? What about a photo of a different yoga post each day related to the theme of the day?

There aren't any rules, so maybe you don't like the order of the topics? Maybe you want to write on only a few of them? It doesn't matter. It is what you make of it.

 #Exodusgram is a even more interpretive. While I love Instagram (I'm imabima, of course), I know some people don't. So maybe you want to share Exodus-themed photos via Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, Pinterest or....whatever! My #Exodusgram posts will go up on Instagram and then be shared to my tumblr, Whatever you do, don't forget to tag with #Exodusgram so we can all share. (Note for some of my colleagues: this might make a fun teen project...who's up for #SnapTheExodus?)

The themes are really up for your own interpretation. I was thinking broadly and openly about what makes Passover special and interesting to me. I hope it will translate into creative and inspirational posts from all of us!

Are you going to join in? Leave me a comment here or send me a tweet or just...jump in! I will try to retweet all the #BlogExodus and #Exodusgram posts through Twitter via @imabima. If I miss your posts, let me know so I can go back and be inspired by what YOU have to say!

#BlogExodus #Exodusgram topics for 5780
1 Nisan - Launch
2 Nisan - Exalt
3 Nisan - Cleanse
4 Nisan - Rise
5 Nisan - Seek
6 Nisan - Retell
7 Nisan - Read
8 Nisan - Expand
9 Nisan - Perplex
10 Nisan - Join
11 Nisan - Celebrate
12 Nisan - Reveal
13 Nisan - Welcome
14 Nisan - Thank

 *Yes, I know that I put the Shabbat dates there. I don't blog/tweet/Facebook on Shabbat but I will post on Fridays before Shabbat and on Saturdays after Shabbat is over. You can, of course, do it any way you like!


  1. I’m delighted. I had hoped you would post a list, there is something so supportive and loving about being engaged with others. I have noted how people are going out of their way to be supportive and helpful to people. A temple one town away is having a Passover Seder online and offers to deliver the Haggadah to anyone who is unable to get the one they will be using. Thank you for posting this,

  2. The above comment should list me as the writer— I take the name

  3. I tend to talk too much (and write too much) so I just want to say Thank you for these posts and especially the exodus charts. Please keep doing those. I find them amazing and especially this year to find that I was doing as each date mentioned. LOL.

    I am excited about this time of year and especially because just like God Almighty showed himself to be Sovereign in the days of Egypt with each plague and how God shut down all that false worship in Egypt, it doesnt get past me that this year, as the plague c--id19 is causing many to go on shut ins (ours start tonight at midnight) here is yet another instance in which God Almighty shows himself to be Sovereign. That false celebration of Easter is shut down this year for man, but you cannot shut down Passover!!!

    To God be the glory.

    Thank you again. I look forward to learning more from your page. I havent looked over it yet except to look at the charts and desire to reach out to you to say Thank you.

    But I definitely look forward to learning more.

    But here I go talking too much (out of my excitement over it all)

    So I simply say thank you and I bid you adieu

    oh before I leave. I was instructed to say this to you by the Holy Spirit

    1 Samuel 25:6 " Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!"

    In the name of the Lord Christ Jesus.


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Thanks for coming by!!!