
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday - My First One!

Works for me...David is in love with books and reading but he still doesn't really know how to read by himself. I'm not pushing him to learn, but I'd like to help him get started and since he seems so interested...

I actually remember the word cards my father made to help me learn to read. They were so much fun to play with and mix up. I'm pretty sure I used them to play school for a long time.

But now Post-it has come out with something really cool -- Sight Word Post-its. We've been having so much fun sticking them up around the kitchen and learning new "sight words" like "the" and "and" (ha ha). We also got the bilingual notes...since David is starting a dual-language kindergarten next week, I figure we should all brush up on our Spanish!

We are having so much fun with this and I realized I had my first Works-For-Me-Wednesday. See below for more pics.

(I'm so excited to participate!)


  1. Great tip--gotta get me some! In the link and one of your pics the words look typed, but your top pic looks like it's blank with lines. Are these two separate products, or do blanks come with the pre-set word stickies? Thanks! Welcome to Works for Me Wednesday!

  2. Great idea and the stickiness is so fun for kids. I also blogged on post-its recently on my blog.

    Organising Queen and
    Marcia's take charge blog

  3. I have been wanting to get these for my 6 year old. Have a word of the day sort of thing.

  4. What a great idea! I can't wait to get them for my trio. They're new readers, too. They start Kindergarten in a few short weeks, all three of them. They are triplets!

    By the way, I have to tell you that I love your daughter's name. I love the story of Yael, but my husband didn't like the name, so it got nixed off the list. :( But we have Madison Hope (Tikvah Meital), Zoe Lynne (Leiba Zahavah) and Jonathan Marcus (Yonaton Moshe). I would have loved a Yael, too.



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