
Friday, April 18, 2008

...and to all a Chag Sameach!

It has been a wild week for me in blog-land.

I won a cookbook from Nosh with Me.

Bella interviewed me.

The Write-Away Contest hosted by Scribbit

I won an Honorable Mention in Scribbit's Write-Away Contest for this post on the Seder. (Wow! I'm so excited about this!)

I agreed to be an upcoming host for the Haveil Havalim Jewish Blog Carnival. (Thanks, FrumeSarah...)

And I cleaned my house! (okay, that was IRL but you get the idea.)

Wow. I need a break.

So...chag sameach (that's Happy Holiday), a zissen Pesach (a sweet Passover), and Shabbat Shalom.

May this holiday of freedom bring the blessings of hope and peace to our whole world.

A final Pesach's a funny new song from Michelle Citrin.

See you Monday! (When I'm posting on -- this just keeps getting better and better!)


  1. Just stopping by to wish you and your family a very happy Pesach.


  2. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Perfume, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.


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