
Monday, June 2, 2008

My Husband is Wonderful

Sunday evening he joined me to see Sex and the City.

(Which, by the way, rocked.)

Here is proof:

If you haven't seen it yet...GO!

I must admit, I ♥ Charlotte. Yes, I know, she's perky and maybe "too perfect" -- but I loved her optimism, her love of her life, her sweet care of her friend...I loved her mama-bear reaction to Big...I cried tears of rage with her.

And, of course, I ♥ my husband for going with me...he was definitely a minority at the movie but he enjoyed it just as much as I did. (He watched the show with me too, so it wasn't such a stretch...and then again, I went to Iron Man with him and enjoyed that! I guess we're just a movie-match-made-in-heaven...)

Go see what other people did and took pictures of this week.


  1. What a great date night! I must admit that while I loved IronMan, I totally don't get the SATC craze. I never watched the show.

  2. He's a very special guy... my husband MIGHT agree to watch a chick flick with me, but he would moan and whine so much that it just wouldn't be worth it!

  3. What a cute shot of you guys! I was a big fan of the show, but I do want to see the movie. We'll see if I make it.

  4. Aw, isn't he the nice guy. I will see it but I won't be taking my hub. He just wouldn't appreciate it.

  5. You two are too cute together!

  6. excellent picture! getting pictures of my and my husband are sometimes an afterthought. I have to remember to get more in the future.

  7. Wow, what a guy!!! My sister saw it and said that there were about 10 very uncomfortable looking guys in the entire theater. I so want to see it!

  8. Oh, I really wish my hubs had gone with me ... I decided I didn't want the stress of hiring a sitter and all that. It was FANTASTIC. Not an ounce of disappointment from me. : )

  9. that's wonderful! adore you both!

  10. Yay for hubby! That's a great guy you've got there :) Some of the gals at the synagogue and I are having a "girls' night out" on Thursday and we are going to see it. I'll let you know what we think afterwards!

  11. Now I want to see all the people sitting behind you blinded by the flash :)

    That's really a cute shot!

  12. Oh, he totally rawks! I don't think I could have dragged my husband to see it. I love that you snapped a photo for proof.


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