
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Painting is Fun!

I thought it would be fun to paint some posters to hang in our sukkah....and I had the brilliant ridiculous idea to make the kids' know, for posterity and all that. So much for the handprints.

What a messy idea!

Then we went back to painting with brushes, which occupied the little people for quite some time!

Stay tuned for finished product pictures, which ended up laminated and hanging in the sukkah.
See other people's Best Shots over at Tracey's place.


  1. Love the concentration! Great color choices.

    Moadim L'Simcha - enjoy the rest of the hag.

  2. LOVE them all, but the last one, is so great!
    Thanks for the (messy) reminder to get soem hand and foot prints done over here!

  3. Phyllis, all the photos seem to have disappeared except the last one. Yael show great concentration here. Lovely!
    BTW I am looking forward to your book reviews (read about them on Jewwishes' blog).

  4. What a precious photo...such concentration and seriousness.

  5. Sorry about the disappearing photos. I have NO idea what happened...weird.

    Sometimes picasa just acts up, i guess....thanks for telling me! Hopefully it's fixed up now.


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