
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Picking Through the Pieces...WE #7

Wow...there is a lot of pressure when it's your prompt!

This week at Wrapped Emotions, I was the guest cool is that? I spent so much time and energy thinking about what to write, about how to approach the prompt, about how to touch all the participants and make them think and feel...that I almost didn't have anything left for my own project! It's as if the post itself was my project for the week...

But that just doesn't do it for me:-)

So here's what I came up with....
Fragments. I think of the fragments of my life and how I try to work them into a coherent whole. I try to weave my family and home life into my job, I try to bring my children with me when I can, I try to work at home or share my congregational life with my family.

But it all comes down to time.

Time....ah, isn't that just it. There just isn't enough...and yet sometimes there's so much! I know that sometimes the hours fly by, and sometimes they never seem to end. Alternatively my friend and my enemy, my watch guides my days. Can I get home in time for dinner? for bathtime? for stories? for bedtime? How many more minutes can I stay at home before I have to be at work? How long will it take me to drive wherever I'm going? How many minutes will I spend on email, phone messages, many minutes will I spend comforting, soothing, easing, scolding, teaching, praying, reading, doing....? Is any of it enough???

The craziness of this week left me without many of the tools to make the mosaic that I dreamed of as I wrote the prompt. So I present this mosaic, which I call "The Timely Mosaic"...the major theme is a photo that I took right before our building went under the construction knife, when we were cleaning it out. Something about the pile of clocks from our classrooms all lined up struck me...I didn't know why. When I came to think about what I would put into a mosaic about the time in my life, I thought right away of these clocks.

What did you build this week?

(and why don't you join in next week? It's a lot of fun!)

P.S. I used fd's flickr toys to make the mosaic.


  1. Hey, I completely understand the almost having nothing left to come up with your own project after mulling over a project to post. :)

    Your time mosaic is awesome. I know everyone, like myself, will completely identify with the often urgent desire for more time. You've spoken for many of us.

  2. Thank you for such a creative and thought-provoking challenge this week!

    I love your mosaic! The simplicity of the composition conveys the complexity of the emotion.

  3. I agree with Jenny! Thank-you for giving of yourself to create the prompt this week. It has been so helpful to see how others are working with/through this process of coming apart to come back together in a new way.

    Also, always I can relate to time, and lack there of!

  4. This is great. Thanks for coming up with such a beautiful concept for this week's prompt. It was very healing for me to contemplate this.

    I often feel like time is something I constantly struggle against. I love how you placed family moments in the midst of the pictures of time.

  5. This is really creative. And, I think that all of us can definitely relate!

  6. Wow - what a profound piece. Such simple images on their own, yet put together? Very thought-provoking.

    PS - I have given you an award! Come on by to pick it up. I am always so appreciative of your kind, encouraging comments, and I love the tone, thoughtfulness, and humor in your blog. Congrats!

  7. Thanks for the great prompt this week!

    I completely understand the time thing. I'm getting ready to start my mosaic right now. I meant to get to it a few days ago...

  8. Thank you for a wonderful prompt for this week!

    Your mosaic is fantastic and I love the clocks on the shelf...and yes, there is never ever enough time!

  9. I love the mosaic.
    you weave together your life so beautifully.

  10. I love the way you used time in your mosaic. It's really a good idea!

  11. Thank you so much for hosting this week ! This was my first week participating and I LOVED IT !!

    Your mosaic is fantastic ! I am (almost) ALWAYS wishing there was more time in the day !!

  12. Oh Phyllis, I almost deconstructed a clock and put it together for my mosaic. We're on the same page, er time zone.

  13. Thanks for the great project idea! I love your mosaic, especially the photo of the clocks. Time is an issue I believe we can all relate to!

  14. I love it! Time makes our worlds go around and I so agree that somedays there's not enough and others there's way too much. Great idea!

  15. I love it! Timing---a great concept given its just now I am ale to peek at the mosaics and comment! This was a great prompt, and awesome creation!

  16. Phyllis,
    Please stop by my blog for an impromptu WE assignment.


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