
Sunday, September 7, 2008

i am...and you?

a meme from Mama Zen

i am . . .

i am: thinking a lot about the High Holy Days
i think: the days go by too fast.
i know: that i'm not sleeping enough.
i want: a quiet space.
i have: a lot of organizing to do in my office.
i wish: there were more hours in the day.
i hate: feeling overwhelmed.
i miss: my friends who are far away.
i fear: losing myself.
i feel: everything.
i hear: beep beep beep.
i smell: the skunks that live in my neighborhood. (maybe under our porch!?)
i crave: caffeine.
i search: too often for my keys and find them in Yael's "purse."
i wonder: what people really think of me.
i regret: whenever i yell.
i love: to read.
i ache: when i read the newspaper.
i care: about making a difference.
i always: think too much.
i am not: as put together as i wish i was.
i believe: in the power of faith.
i dance: with my kids.
i sing: as often as i can.
i cry: when i need release.
i don't always: go to the gym.
i fight: against fighting.
i write: blog posts. in my head.
i win: scrabble.
i lose: my temper. probably too often.
i never: go to bed on time.
i confuse: outer calm with inner serenity.
i listen: less well than i should sometimes.
i can usually be found: in my car.
i am scared: of losing my grip.
i need: a day off!
i am happy about: just about everything.

And, you are?
Play along - whoever you are! Join me.
Come on, after my post this week in which I called you all out I think I know who my loyal readers are... Delurk and play along.


Five Three (it's been a busy week) Places I've Been This Week:

Stuff on Stuff (watch for a post this week on this topic!)

Bento Supplies Ichiban Kan (Can I take a trip to CA just for this?)

The Story of a Sign (great video, go see it!)

From my (Are you in my network?)
Where have *you* been?


  1. You sound so overwhelmed. The bigger kids are back in school now and the holidays are still a few more weeks away. Any chance someone could watch Yael so that you could sneak off for an afternoon at a spa or coffee shop, just to give yourself some enforced and much deserved down time?

  2. I crave a quiet place, too. I keep trying to make that my bedroom, but then Brian changes the rules. And, I don't think anyone is as put together as they'd like to be, which is probably half of the fun in living. I agree with the above comment, though: make sure to carve out some time for yourself to whatever it is you enjoy. From firsthand experience, it has allowed me to keep my sanity.

  3. I was tempted to leave so many of your answers in place. Off to make coffee! LOL

  4. You sound so normal.
    I have 2 and they're six years apart.
    I can only imagine 3 in that space! (Actually, I can't imagine it or else I might have done it.)
    But you sound very "in the moment", which is a great thing to be. It may never feel perfect or finished, but it just is.
    And before you know it, they're applying to college and you're worrying, knowing how little you can do to help, except to be there.
    And thinking, too, about a new phase of "left behind" for the younger one (as you worried in an earlier post).
    Just find some moments (quiet may not be possible) to mark where you've been before going on. I like to find mine with my morning coffee on the back deck as the sun comes up. (..though I ought to kick that caffeine thing at my age.) Those marks are sort of like a trail of breadcrumbs for later.


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