
Monday, September 8, 2008

18 months going on 18!?

Looking at this picture, it's actually not hard to imagine Yael as a teenager, is it?

She is carrying this (spiderman - it's her big brother's) phone everywhere, along with a set of keys.

Yes, just like mom and dad. Keys and a phone. (And sometimes a coffee cup!)

This is my best shot this week. See some other beautiful pictures here.


  1. what a doll! someday you are going to have to beat those boys back w/ a stick. ;)

  2. She would get along great with my daughter. Of course, my daughter, who is 6, would probably be the one directing traffic. Oh, my daughter is into the get a sip of coffee from mommy thing, too.

  3. Uh, yep, I see it. Sassy and everything. Look how adorable she is!

  4. wow! what a look ahead. Sweet shot :)
    Happy Monday!

  5. How Cute! My girls' new favorite is chocolate milk in a coffee cup. They even ask for it saying, "I need some coffee." I know they say kids mature faster nowadays, but this is ridiculous!

  6. it is so funny when they act like us and we get a glimpse into the future. So cute

    IMiss Rainy Days

  7. I found you via Tripledlyblessed, and I'm so glad I did. :) I'm in the South Suburbs of Chicago and currently unaffiliated, but that is besides the point.

    Okay, now I'm rambling. Sorry, and at the same time: "hi".

    Okay, I have nothing else to add. I think my pregnancy brain is getting the best of me on this gray morning.

  8. Scary stuff. :)

    Yes, I can easily see the teenager hiding in there. ;)

  9. She's go that dialing thing down pat. Is she waving her finger at her brother yet?

  10. How cute! Yeah, I can totally see it. She's even ignoring everyone else around her, while staring at her phone - must be text messaging!

  11. ah yes. the little lady. i have one of those too. there is nothing cuter.

  12. I have a similar picture of my daughter. It is frightening how easy it is to see them as teenagers. I am not even close to being ready for that.

  13. She is so cute with her little (more like big!) phone. It's amazing how you can sometimes see the future in them for a brief second. Then the Toddler is back. (And I sigh a sigh of relief.)

  14. Oh...I don't think anything can prepare us for teenager-dom...but yes, it is not hard to see that it is coming down the road!


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