
Monday, March 21, 2011

Snippets of Purim 5771

Delivering mishloach manot
Queen flipflops. She abandoned the costume almost immediately.
Bigsan, one of the palace guards who tried to kill King Achashverosh. Yes, he came up with that.
How cute is this pose? He couldn't decide what he wanted to be so he dug through all the old costumes and settled on this one.
Solly woke up with a runny nose and fever. He didn't feel like donning a costume. This headband had to do...

And they all got face the Purim Carnival...

I was the Hamantaschen Fairy and I hope a picture is coming soon....

Purim by the numbers...
approximately 12 dozen: hamantaschen baked
15: Mishloach Manot delivered
11: how many times I reminded the children prior to the Purim Carnival that we would NOT take any fish home
10: Packages mailed
8: Minutes before Yael took her costume off
5 (or 6): Costumes that Sam rejected before settling on the thing he ended up wearing
1: blue tutu that I was able to get shipped overnight for my fairy costume
0: how many fish we took home

How was your Purim?

1 comment:

  1. "Bigsan, one of the palace guards who tried to kill King Achashverosh. Yes, he came up with that."
    very cleaver!

    I enjoyed the "Purim by the numbers..." ;)


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