
Monday, April 4, 2011

Kosher Cooking Carnival #65: Pesach is coming!

 Welcome! It's funny, I just noticed that it's been exactly a year since I last (and first) hosted Kosher Cooking Carnival, on Rosh Chodesh Nisan last year. My how time flies...

The Kosher Cooking Carnival KCC is a monthly blog carnival, a “round-up” of blog posts about all aspects of kosher food and cooking.  It includes Jewish Law, customs, kosher restaurants, cookbooks and kosher recipes, too.  Every month it’s on another blog.  The KCC is the brainchild of Batya at me-ander.  If you’d like to host an edition, please contact Batya.

Can you believe it's Rosh Chodesh Nisan already? I know we had an extra Adar to get us ready for this, but it always seems to sneak up on me.

anything kosher!
Batya has this Pet Peeve, Sorry It's A Rant (about skim milk and other processed dairy) and she was Breaking The Fast on The Run

diet food
Lea Stein @ Kosher Diet Plans Blog wrote Preparation is the new black (I must admit, there were a ton of "spam" posts and I debated whether or not this is a "real" blog post since it does seem to be selling the idea of Kosher Diet Plans. But it seemed to have some other interesting articles, so I stuck it in. What do you think?)

restaurant or cookbook reviews
Batya reviews the new cookbook: Quick and Kosher, My Take on The New Cookbook.
Ben-Yehudah shares a funny list of answers to How Spicy Do You Like It?
Mirjam Weiss shared a whole bunch of yummy looking meals in Suspended Reality posted at Miriyummy.

every day meals
Leora Wenger is rediscovering the lost art of fermentation with Homemade Sauerkraut, and suggests doing it with beets for Pesach. I think I have to get past the whole cabbage thing first...
Batya makes Quick and Easy Vegetable Soup and Pizza Dough, Even if You Don't Know How to "Spin It" and You Don't Have a Rolling Pin. She is also creative with Sandwich Spreads.

shabbat and holiday food
Batya has a guest post to share  The Healthiest Hamantaschen - they sound pretty good to me!
The Challah Blogger made a Hamantaschen Challah which I'm totally trying next year.
Mirjam Weiss offers a delicious sounding dessert: Cherry Pai ? As I Sit By The River
Mrs. S. has a Purim wrap-up at Everyone ate hamentashen… 
Batya talks about planning from both ends...
And Hadassah is Not Asking Questions about food any more.

The Frugal Ima is contemplating how to handle Pesach with The Value of Doing Without.
Mara at Kosher on a Budget shared this great guest post: How I Learned to Love Pesach by Eating Like an Israeli and also had her weekly recipe round-up about Passover Side Dishes.
The (former) Shiksa is making Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes for Pesach this year.

In case you're freaking out about what to do with leftovers, try this post from Chana on Granola Bars. Or, try these amazing looking Chocolate Cherry Challah Muffins from Savvima - wow. (Plus, I love the tip to keep leftover snippets of challah in the freezer for use like this.)

Here's my friend, Tina Wasserman, sharing how to make a Pesach Linzer Torte:

And that's all, folks! Submit your blog article to the next edition of kosher cooking carnival-kcc using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.


  1. Hi Phyllis. Thank you so much for not putting us in the "spam" pile! We are real bloggers and I want to thank you for mentioning us. Feel free to stop by our site anytime.

    Thanks again,


  2. Thanks for including my sauerkraut! Fermented just about anything is healthy, and my next goal is to learn to make real pickles, not the vinegar kind we get in the stores.

    I've got a lot of recipes to read here - thanks for hosting.

  3. Great job, and thanks for including my two posts!

  4. Wonderful job, and thanks for the link!

    Chag kasher v'samei'ach!

  5. Thanks for posting Savvima's Bread Muffins!

  6. I finally sent out the notice about this great KCC to the mailing list. Sorry about the delay.

  7. Wish I had known to submit: - the Pesach granola recipe is my all time favorite. Yasher Koach on the KCC.

  8. Great roundup - can't wait to read through. And thank yo so much for mentioning KOAB - I appreciate it! :)

  9. Great going all. Especially to the Mrs.

    Here I am in a "kosher-cooking" mode.


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