
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am most richly blessed

One of my favorite stories:

There once were two brothers who shared a farm. One was a single man, the other had a wife and family. These two loved each other dearly. They each had a house on either side of the farm. Every morning, they got up early and shared the hard work of farming their land.

At the time of the harvest, the grain was gathered and carefully divided into two identical piles. Each brother would receive an equal share in the fruit of their labors. One pile was carried to the single brother’s barn, the other to the brother with a family.

Later that night, the unmarried brother lay awake in bed, thinking, “I am most richly blessed. I have everything I could possibly need to supply for myself. My brother is a good man caring for a wife and family. It is better that he receive a bigger portion.” He filled his cart with the sheaves of grain and some vegetables for good measure and walked across the farm to his brother’s storage bin, where he deposited the food. Then he returned home and went to sleep.

Soon after, the married brother awoke. He said to himself, “I am most richly blessed. My home is filled with the love of my wife and children. My brother has none of this joy.” So he quietly went outside and filled his cart with grain and vegetables, and carried them across the farm to his brother’s home.

When daylight came, the brothers each went outside to begin the day. Upon approaching their respective storage bins, both brothers were amazed – the amount within was the same as it had been before! Confused, the brothers said nothing to each other about the matter. At the end of the day, the brothers went home, each determined to make sure that they shared their bounty with their brother. Each loaded his cart with the bountiful harvest and set out across the farm. At the top of the hill, in the middle point of their land, the two brothers came upon each other. In an instant, they both understood the other one’s intention. They embraced and kissed, proclaiming together, “I am most richly blessed!”

One of the reasons I love to tell this story is because it's got so many possible messages. Certainly, happiness is in the eyes of the beholder. Each brother has such an incredible outlook on life - each brother chooses his own happiness, and can see that happiness comes in different forms.

What an amazing way to live.

May we always be able to find and behold happiness, and may blessings abound.

Part of MamaBlogga's Group Writing Project. Why don't you join in?


  1. this is a great story, i will tell them to my girls. i like the brother love and care aspect of it.

  2. I'm so glad the brothers figured everything out or they would be up nights for a long time!
    It would be so wonderful if everyone was that blessed.

  3. What a wonderful story, filled with love.

    Shabbat Shalom.

  4. A beautiful story! Happiness has so much to do with our perspective, and I love that both brothers found happiness!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. That is a sweet story. Happiness is no respecter of wealth, marital status, etc. And I think giving to others is the surest way to happiness...


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