
Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunny and Warm (comparatively)

We had the 10th coldest January on record here in Chicago. We've had a ton of snow but it's been too cold to play in it! This weekend, however, it warmed up a bit and we all headed outside. We even got enough sun for a nice dose of vitamin D. The kids had a blast, and so did the Abba (Dad) who helped make a snow-tiger (it didn't really look like a "man" and far more resembled Sam's favorite Kung Fu Panda character).

(Can you see how great our front yard/hill is for sledding?!)

That last one is my favorite. And it was totally shot from the hip, so to speak....

Now I'm just looking forward to spring! Happy Groundhog's Day everyone!


  1. Gorgeous photos of your kids. Sad isn't it how 30 degree weather suddenly seems balmy to us?

  2. That last picture is my favorite, too. Adorable!

  3. Very cute pictures! Glad the kids had fun...I bet they were bouncing off the walls to get out there.
    I'm pretty sure that we've got more snow heading our way. :p

  4. It's always nice to get to play outside after being couped up inside for days on end.

    I love that last shot too.

  5. I THINK I would like to live where it snows. Until I read words like "10th coldest January on record."

    Then I'm glad I live in the south.

  6. A wonderful winter wonderland! How fun! Love the "hip" shot - it's true, sometimes they are the best shots. Happy Groundhog day to you.

  7. LOVE her smile! glad you got some sun :)

  8. It pretended to warm up here, and then just got cold again . . .

    I'm thinking . . . tropical :)

    Your kids are gorgeous!

  9. What joyous photos!

    I'm thinking warm, to keep warm, myself. It's frigid outside...but the positive thing is the sun is out for a bit.

  10. What great photos. (Thanks for the visit and comment, by the way.) I can completely relate to the "too cold to play in the snow" days, as we're having them too, here in MI. I keep hoping it will warm up a little this weekend, so we can enjoy it.


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