Jake left Be'ersheva
On his way to find a wife
He stopped for the night.
He lay on a rock
He slept well - and had a dream
It was a good one.
A ladder he saw
Reaching up to the heavens
Angels on its rungs -
Going up and down.
And God gave Jake a blessing:
Things are good for you -
This land is your land
You will have a lot of kids
You'll spread all over.
Jake woke up and said:
"Surely God is in this place!
How could I not know!?"
"This place is awesome!"
He made an altar of rock
And named it Bethel.
Then Jake kept going.
He ran into his cousin
Pretty girl Rachel.
It's love at first sight!
"I'll work seven years for you"
he told his uncle...
"If I can have her."
And so they agreed - a deal!
But trickery loomed.
(Remember Jake's trick?
He duped his dad for blessing...
Now it is his turn.)
Instead of Rachel
Laban did a switcheroo
Leah was the girl!
After the wedding
Jacob complained he was tricked
Demanded Rachel.
Laban said, "No prob."
"Just work another seven!"
Jacob said okay.
Leah had children;
Rachel did not have any.
Lots of sons were born.
Reuben and Simeon,
Levi and Judah and Dan...
Naftali and Gad.
Asher, Issachar
Zebulon and then Dinah
Finally - Joseph!
Only one was Ray's
The rest were all born by Sis
Or by the "maid" wives.
Jake fin'lly moves on
Decides it's time to get out
But Laban's not pleased.
They leave in the night
Jake and clan sneak out of camp
But Rach messes up.
She steals Laban's "gods"
He finds his idols missing.
So he chases them.
Laban catches up
And searches for his idols
But Rach hides them well
Laban plays "sad dad"
They agree to disagree
The two make a pact.
Laban goes away
Back to his land...Jake to his
They parted their way.
Ah...the joys of Genesis!
See more Haiku Friday here...
This is the story of why the ketubah is always signed BEFORE the main ceremony right?? (I remember having that discussion for my wedding.)
Very nifty though - I really like it a lot. :)
This is wonderful! Well done! I love haiku!
Thanks for the tip about the 'namits' cards. I will have to look for those!
I have something for you over at my blog!
This is amazing- thank you
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