but this is what I saw at Whole Foods on Friday when I went to pick up a challah:
What is up with that?
As NancyKay Shapiro put it so perfectly in her post on the Chanukah Ham (or is that Cham?), "it's just the Department of Monumental Cluelessness, Well-Meaning Division."
Yeah, that's it.
Umm, Winter Season? Nah, I'd have to go with well-meaning and clueless!
OMG -- this is so funny!!
Someone gave Beernut a Christmas gift and he said "um...wouldn't have it been safer for him to just get me a holiday gift?"
Why does the 7 year old get it??
Well, at least it wasn't shaped like a Christmas tree...
Heh. I'll do Robin one better: at least the note inside didn't say Merry Christmas and Shabbat Shalom!
I think we ought to give them a brownie point for trying. That's more than most others do.
I used to work for a Doctor who was Jewish and originally from Manhattan. He would just shake his head and sigh deeply when we would get ham and cheese Bagel sandwiches from a local (D.C.) shop.
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