
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Year-End, Blogs, and Five Places I've Been This Week

What a year it's been for me!

I began 2007 pregnant and started blogging not long after my 3rd baby was born in February, while I was on maternity leave. Since then, I've written 200 posts* and have been having a ball in blog-land. I blogged about Passover, my favorite Jewish children's books, but things didn't take off until I joined a 30-day blogging challenge in August. Definitely kick-started me, and I'm now hooked on comments and contests. I took a bottled water challenge, and I started writing haikus, which led me to join in the Haiku Friday fun with weekly haikus of the Torah portion. My oldest child started kindergarten, and I was there to blog about it. I joined in the Wrapped Emotions party and I was even chosen to be a guest blogger. I participated in some group writing projects and I've gotten some awards. I went to the mikveh, and, you guessed it, I blogged about it. I hosted a Chanukah Countdown Party and, possibly my coolest blogging achievement, I was invited to be a Biennial Blogger for the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial Convention. (Plus, I've actually done things outside of my blogging life!)

Plus I've made lots of new friends and found a whole new community out here in blogworld.

What's on tap for 2008 here at Ima on and off the Bima?

You can look forward to a Tu B'Shevat Tree Celebration Week (maybe I'll come up with a better name) in January. How do you find someone to give you a giveaway??? I need one. Anyone out there in the Internet want to give me something to give away to my loyal readers? For Tu B'Shevat, it might be best to have a "green" themed giveaway. Or a tree.

Other than that, stay tuned. Who knows what I'll have up my sleeve here! I'm traveling to Israel in February so hopefully I'll be able to blog that trip as well.

In honor of this little wrap-up, I thought I'd share some linky-love to some of my current favorite blog-reads. One of the first posts I ever wrote was about blog-reading so it makes sense to list a few more! These are not all the blogs I read (love my Google Reader) but they're some of the ones I check for new posts first! Go visit my friends.

Around the Island -- Robin (in Israel) can always be counted on for great writing and interesting stories.

Beyond the Map -- Bella is thoughtful and thought-provoking. I love reading her posts.

Cheerio Road
-- Karen is the author of Momma Zen and her blog really shows how she puts her writing into real life practice. Good for her for showing that she's not all talk but really lives her message. (read her book, it's great)

Frume Sarah
-- is a new "real" friend that I met at the Biennial, and I'm so excited to have found, as Anne Shirley would say, a kindred spirit. She writes a great blog (and poor baby, her whole family ended up with lice this week. Visit her and give sympathy!)

Scribbit -- Michelle at Scribbit is a mom living in Alaska of all places, and she shares things like winter camping (why???) and hosts a writing contest each month too.

UPDATED: My brother insists that I link to his blog here too. He is having an Israel adventure and posting all sorts of fun things. Go visit him and comment. I'm trying to teach him how addicting much fun comments are!

for some other blogs I read (like this one, this one, or this one), go here.

*Crazy isn't it -- this little wrap-up post is #200!!!

Happy New Year to all y'all out there....may this year bring blessings and peace. Keep on visiting!


Five Places I've Been This Week...

Holiday Muzak Kills Brain Cells

Eco-Friendly Promo Products

Coffee Cozy Tutorial

Benazir Bhutto assassinated!

Breaking the Code of Ritual Observance

from my Where have you been?


  1. Awww, I'm blushing.

    Seriously Phyllis, it's wonderful to be able to call you friend (and a lot of fun too), and I am really really looking forward to the chance to meet up for real in February.

  2. Hey sister! Glad to hear that everything in blog-land is going quite well...Just want to remind you and your loyal readership that your little brother has a blog as well. I like to think its interesting...and you always seem to comment on it so check out my Israel Adventures!

  3. Congratulations on #200 and Happy New Year!

  4. Looking forward to a year of new posts from you.

  5. Ah thanks so much--and I love Robin's blog too, she's a gem. :)

  6. i didn't realize you didn't start blogging until after your 3rd was born. sounds like you've had a great bloggy year! :)

    as for getting things to give away, sometimes you just have to ask. it's worked for me. :)

    have a happy new year!

  7. Have a wonderful New Year!

    And HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY on your blog anniversary, too.

    I only recently discovered your blog and just wanted to tell you what a joy it is to read!

  8. Thanks for tossing the frisbee. As you know, we'll be having our own Israel adventure next summer. (That's where brothers lead us . . . )


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