What is Tu B'Shevat*?
The Jewish New Year of Trees -
in essence, tax day.
This date was the end
of the fiscal year for fruit
to count up the tithe.
The day is now more -
a day to celebrate green
Hooray for the trees!
Make the world better
by planting a tree or two,
recycle, reuse.
If you're not Jewish
celebrating trees still rocks!
Join in! Hug a Tree!
*Tu in Hebrew is 15, therefore the name of the holiday, like the Fourth of July, is the name of the date. It is the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shevat.
See more Haiku Friday here.
And now....The Giveaway:

In honor of Tu B'Shevat (the Birthday of the Trees) and the commitment to the earth that the holiday brings with it (read more here and here), I am so excited that PopJudaica has offered to give a Tu B'Shevat Garden to one of my lucky readers!!! PopJudaica is a fun and slightly irreverent shop devoted to creative and downright cool Judaica. In fact, they're having a Tu B'Shevat party of their own so just mosey over there to see the whole Green Collection, with proceeds from these products going to Hazon, an organization whose mission it is to create a healthier and more sustainable Jewish community.
How can you win?
1. Make a comment here or on tomorrow night or Sunday's Tu B'Shevat posts. What kinds of things do you plant? How are you "going green"? This is your entry! You can enter each day - once per day. Come back and visit all week for this and other giveaways.
2. For an extra entry, post on your blog or tell a friend about this giveaway and PopJudaica and link back to me.
Use my button:
<a href="http://imabima.blogspot.com"><img src="http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc126/imabima/tubshevatparty.jpg" border="0" alt="Birthday Party for the Trees at imabima.blogspot.com"></a>
3. Don't forget to give me a way to get in touch with you if you win!
4. This giveaway ends on Sunday, January 20th at 9pm Central Time. Winner will be announced Monday morning, along with the next Tu B'Shevat Birthday Giveaway!
Come back all week for the Tu B'Shevat Birthday Party and more green green green....re-use a bag, hug a tree, plant a flower!
My Previous Tu B'Shevat Party Posts:
Go Vegetarian and be green?
For the Love of the Trees
Waste Not...
Facts About Trees
P.S. Looking for my weekly Torah Portion Haiku? Go to my other blog for that this week....
Very cool holiday! Celebrate Green, for sure!!
Thank you for the what I am learning about this week! I do appreciate it.
What a super cool holiday! I always love hugging trees! :)
I can't believe you could explain a holiday in haiku. You rock!
green is my favorite color now!
i love that garden. it's awesome.
and great 'ku as usual.
great haiku. :) please count me in for the apple tree.
Yay for green! I'll be doing a Green for St. Patty's. You gotta join in P! You can be Irish for a day...you live in Chicago afterall.
I'm doing WAY more by buying organic. I have also started only doing paper bags at the grocery. I'm not hugely green, but this is something, right?
I've never had luck planting veggies out here. I've tried, but no luck. We have a pear tree, though, and when they're ripe, the kids love those.
I've decided to try to buy more from consignment stores--especially kids' stuff. I figure that's one way of recycling. I'm also donating much more clothing and what can't be donated, I'm saving to use for crafts.
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