What's going on here today?
Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack. The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means "Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English, 'vanity.'
Please please please publicize HH on your own blog and share the news about it! Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack. The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means "Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English, 'vanity.'
By the way, this is one of the first times that I feel the need to post that I don't necessarily (um, understatement?) agree with each post but I do try to include every post that is submitted. I feel very strongly that we don't all have to agree with each other but it's important to have a community that allows for all perspectives to be shared. Do other HH hosts edit based on their own opinions? Just curious, not judging.
Torah and Judaism
Over at Shiloh Musings: Parshat Shavua, Portion of the Week, Sin of the Spies- Politics!Life in Israel is asking us all to Help the Lancaster Yeshiva Center win $50,000 - very easy to do - just go and vote!
Batya didn't Buy The Dress - go see why.
Leora's Here in HP offers us How to Pay a Shiva Call: A Guide for Non-Jews.
Frum Satire has some interesting and also funny questions in Getting to know conservative Judaism.
The Rebbetzin's Husband has something to say about Studying for Ordination - The Heart and the Mind and also posted A Tale of Two Yeshivot - which is yet another reminder to just go and vote!
Yechezkel offers an analysis of the Korach syndrome... Cops and Rabbis.
FrumeSarah had some serious questions about the role of a rabbi: There's No Such Thing...Is There?
Mazel tov to Mottel!!! - beautiful photos of A Bris By Any Other Name - Photo Essay.
Jacob Richman presents Uploaded New Learn Hebrew Video - Outdoors - a cool way to learn some new vocabulary!Frum N' Flipping shares A Girl's Guide to Fashion Bargains and A Girl's Guide to Tznius Shopping in Jerusalem. You're all set for shopping!
Fun Joel's Israel wants to know What Would You Do?
Esser Agaroth has Neriyah Ofan, The Real Story and Israeli Book Exchange Group & Future Book Swap.
Joel Katz presents Religion and State in Israel - June 7, 2010 (Section 1) and Religion and State in Israel - June 7, 2010 (Section 2).
Ki Yachol Nuchal! spent an evening with "Standing Together" - "You make us strong."
Some posts from Shiloh Musings: IDF Appoints Internal Team of Experts to Examine Flotilla Operation Findings, Does The United States Promote Free Movement of Terrorists From Country to Country? and Countering The Con, First-Person Witnesses
Tikkun Olam shared this Frightening Article: The End of Israel (G-d Forbid)?
Posts from Israelity: An American star is born in Israel, Nathan Englander story and Nostalgia Sunday ? Pillbox.
Elianah-Sharon started a new blog called "Movin' On Up (To the Middle East Side!)" and she says, I have to keep pinching myself now that she's made a big decision!
From The Israel Situation: Why Israel Did Not Know – Flotilla Analysis and The Flotilla Fiasco.
Achas L'Maala V'Sheva L'Matta muses on Harav Mordechai Eliyahu, ZT"L - Finding a Body that Wasn't Lost.
Tzedek-Tzedek gives a summary of the weekly news: Bet Shemesh Weekly News.
Home-shuling, in her new Beliefnet digs, considers Hatikvah or not hatikvah. That is the question.
Yisrael Medad presents The Israel Flag Planted at the Goonies' Mansion, and also 10 Meters or 100 Meters? and My Right Word: Chabon the Exceptional Chelmite Himself.
Chabad reports on Chabad Welcomes Israeli Heroes to the U.S.
Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress has this funny post on Heblish: Around the Dinner Table Edition - part of what appears to be an irregular series on Heblish in her household!
Liberty's Spirit posted The Blood Libel Has Begun - do you agree? She also posted Liberal Idiots and Jewish Guilt.Tikkun Olam wrote Also in the "HUH?" Department and Geert Wilders: A True Man of Courage.
Funny Stuff
Scooter's Report offers up Activist: "It Was Raining Jews" and "Raining Jews" Part 2 - a satirical interview.Batya has It's Neither A Bird Nor A Plane, But It Moves Just The Same. It's...
Benji Lovitt is always funny: May Hahafuch Show: Who Wants Video? and Now There's a Slogan I Can Get Behind
Personal and other Miscellaney
Ki Yachol Nuchal! had an amazing week: A week in The Life.The Homeshuler wants to know: Helen Thomas - what would her mother think?
Susan Barnes is gearing up for an Israel trip but she's not excited yet... Why I'm Not Excited To Be Going To Israel.
Seraphic Secret has Sunday with Karen and The Republican Jewish Coalition.
Tzedek-Tzedek explores "Protecting Your Kids from Abuse".
Jew in the City teaches The Torah of Lost.
The awesome Minnesota Mamaleh presents L'Azazel! (a great read and definitely an eye-catching title for the Hebrew-speakers!)
Robin is hosting Summer Stock Sundays again this year. Go and see some great pictures and contribute your own!
JaneTheWriter is finding comfort in the beautiful words of her mother's ethical will.
Ilana-Davita did an interesting interview with Rabbi Barry Leff.
In case you missed it, the President of the Union for Reform Judaism just announced his retirement. What do you think of his remarks?
The newly-married Chaviva is musing on her tichels.
My own child learned to ride a 2-wheeler this week...
You know the drill, please publicize Haveil Havalim on your own blog. It would be very nice of you!
Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. (It's being hosted by Frume Sarah, by the way.)
Chodesh Tov! What a wonderful Havel Havelim!!! Thanks so much. Please do me a favor and let people know that I need a host for next month's Kosher Cooking Carnival. Thanks
Thanks for all your work on HH!
re: your question "Do other HH hosts edit based on their own opinions?"
The answer is clearly YES.
One editor of HH sent me a series of questions by email in order to decide whether s/he would include Religion and State in Israel in HH.
I explained that none of the articles included in my weekly digest are written by me; and I try to include a wide range of opinions on issues of religion and state.
Unfortunately, this HH host chose not to include Religion and State in Israel.
What is your opinion?
Joel Katz
Religion and State in Israel
Great job with HH Phyllis, what a mixed bag it is this time. I really enjoyed many of the posts but others I couldn't bear to read at all. So much vitriole, all it serves is to widen the chasm between us :(.
My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
Great job, and thanks for the link!
Shavua tov and chodesh tov!
Great job! I don't censor posts, but I do (rarely) add my own thoughts if I feel strongly enough.
I am a big advocate of including multiple POVs, even when I don't agree. Over the years there have been a few that I didn't include.
I don't care if you are Jewish. If you write something that is antisemitic it will be ignored. Criticism of Israel is ok as long as it is balanced. That is sort of a gray area that is subjective, but we do the best we can.
Here are some recommendations/guidelines:
The host has the choice to include/exclude posts. It is better to include multiple POVs. If you really don't agree with something you can always include posts that refute the offensive post.
Or you can include your own commentary.
why, ima-- i can;t thank you enough lady! your words made me SMILE!! thanks also for this HUGE job-- impressive, as always, lady!
Wow! A bold mazal tov! Thanks!
Great job on the HH!
Thank you for hosting! Great job.
Thanks for hosting, and thanks for including me!
Haveil Havalim #271 Is Up!
Hi there, just found you. You've done a wonderful job bringing lots of diverse voices together! I agree with your "editorial policy" and also like the Rebbetzin's Husband's suggestion.
Thank you OOODLES for including me :)
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