Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm (a little) less certain

As you may know, I'm a big advocate of Jewish summer camp. I think it's so great for kids to go away for a few weeks, gain some independence, learn something new, and have the opportunity to immerse in Jewish identity.

My kids LOVE camp.

But today, this conversation made me a little less certain about, um, the other parts of the summer camp experience.

David, with a huge smile: Hey, mom, yesterday I got to second base and then a home run!
Me: Oh, were you playing kickball? or baseball? What sport?
David: Fart baseball.

(Oh yeah, then I asked him to smile and instead he showed me his lunch...)

Time to go home from camp....hard to believe it's been 2 weeks!


Rosalyn Manesse said...

I still remember all the fun we had at Jewish Camp, and that was 60 years ago!

Robin said...

I am never, ever, ever telling my son about fart baseball - he'd be all over it. 9 year old boys really are a different species, aren't they...

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