Sam: once 'pon time there was elephant.
Me: What is the elephant's name?
Sam: (something unintelligible)
Me: repeats unintelligible mumbling?
Sam: Yes.
Me: What did the elephant do?
Sam: sat with Sammy!
Me: What did Sammy and the elephant do?
Sam: We had snacks.
Me: Elephants like peanut butter. Did you eat peanut butter?
Sam: No! I like goldfish. I eat goldfish.
Me: Did the elephant eat goldfish too?
Sam: Yes. Elephant and Sammy eat goldfish together. We have snack together.
Later he told me a story about a lion who had a snack with the elephant.
In all his stories, there are snacks.
This is a kid who likes his food.
(at bedtime)
Me: What was your favorite thing today?
Sam: Eating food. though there are days we don't have that.
And that's my kid.
Priorities straight.
LOL :) A boy after my own heart!
Handsome little boy.
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