Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Aren't you Excited!?

I am so excited for these things:

** I am published in this month's special "Family" issue of Real Simple Magazine. I answered the question... "Moms: What's the One Thing You Can't Live Without?"

(Thanks, Dad, for the cool scan.)
Anyone who knows me knows how true this is.

** Tomorrow is the First International Jewish Blogger Convention and I'm going!!!!

Okay, maybe going is not quite accurate. I'm logging onto the webcast. Either way, I'm pretty excited for the event. I know there's been a lot of controversy and nastiness about the convention, but frankly, I'm just going with girlish giddiness at anything bloggy.

(And my two cents -- everyone and anyone was invited. You just have to register, have a blog, and be Jewish. How much more open can it get!?)

** I haven't posted it yet but here is the link to this week's Haveil Havalim, excellently done by The Rebbetzin's Husband.

Plus, the month of August is almost over and while things are going to continue to be busy, I'm hoping to get back to posting more regularly soon. Yay!

What are you excited for?


Vered said...

Yay for being published!

Can you believe that I don't even own a blackberry? :-)

Miriam said...

Congrats on the publication!

Alexis said...

Congratulations on the Real Simple thing--I love that magazine!

Have fun at the conference, and maybe you could post a list of good Jewish blogs when you return? I'm always on the lookout!

Alexis from http://www.knotsewcrafty.typepad.com

jena strong said...

I'm excited for the way my life is unfolding!

Anonymous said...

My BlackBerry keeps me sane, or insane, can't decide which.

Anonymous said...

Yay -- that is so cool!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to start a year filled with interesting possibilities!!!