I received a copy of
Cool Stuff Every Kid Should Know: Chicago and the State of Illinois

. I decided that this was the perfect book for my oldest son, David, to help me out with. He is 9 years old and an avid reader.
He read the book and here is his interview:
Did you like this book?
Yeah. It was a good book.
Because it had some pretty interesting facts and a lot of stuff I didn't know.
What was one of your favorite parts?
I liked reading about the
Butter Cow. It says in the book that the butter cow sculpture is made out of 800 pounds of butter to cover a wood and wire frame to make a cow. It is very big.
What was something else that you thought was interesting?
When it is St. Patrick's Day in Chicago they make the water green in the Chicago River. They say in the book that it is a formula that is eco-friendly. I really want to go to that special celebration. {Ima's note: we live about 25 miles north of the city of Chicago but my poor, deprived children almost never go into the city.}
Anything else?
I thought it was weird because the Chicago style hot dog is made without ketchup. I really like ketchup on my hot dogs. I don't like any of the other stuff.
Do you think that kids should read this book?
I do. If they want to learn some cool facts about Chicago.
Thumbs up or thumbs down?
Thumbs up!
Ima's turn: This is a great little book for learning more about your own hometown. If we were going to take a trip to one of the other cities for which they've done these books, I would definitely acquire that book for my kids. (They've done 22 cities.) It is colorful, bright, and full of interesting little facts that I didn't even know! (Like...did you know that Chicago's O'Hare Airport's code, ORD, is for its original name, Orchard Field? Yeah, me neither.) And I thought it was really neat that this book was published recently enough that the 2011 blizzard was mentioned.
The publisher,
Arcadia Publishing, is offering a 20% discount if you buy
through their site, just enter the word COOL at checkout to get this discount. There's also a money back guarantee!
So...great book. Wanna win it?
Just leave me a comment telling me about your favorite city to visit with kids.
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(Leave me a comment telling me you did it, please.)
Giveaway closes before Shabbat, Friday afternoon.
Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for review. I'm giving it away to one of you. I was not compensated for the review, although my young reviewer might have gotten a bribe payment extra treat for helping me out.