She is just one of the keys to my heart...but today she is the key to my Best Shot Monday! What's yours?
Happy New Year to all....
Alex the Great died.
His empire was split up.
Who owned Judea?
King Antiochus
was the new king for the Jews
but he wasn't nice.
"Give up your Torah,"
he said to the Jewish folks.
"Bow down to my gods."
The Jews weren't too pleased.
He defiled the Temple --
sacrificed some pigs.
Things were bad for Jews
They were being killed for faith.
But one guy stepped up.
In his town, Mod'in,
Mattathias stepped up
He said, "Let's rebel!"
His five sons followed
They helped lead the rebellion
and fled to the hills.
A guerrilla fight
against the Syrian-Greeks
hit-and-run fighting.
Mattathias died.
His son Judah took over -
he was a great guy.
Rebellion went well
They called him the Maccabee
(the word means "hammer")
He struck fast and hard
and finally the Jews won -
a long time coming!
A great victory
It was quite a miracle
Just one of many
Back to the Temple
but it was totally wrecked,
defiled, defaced.
They made it holy,
rededicated to God,
prepared for worship.
A legend for sure:
There was no oil to find
to light the great Lamp
One small flask was found,
only enough for one day
but it lasted EIGHT!
Today we rejoice
with victory dances,
remember that time.
The more likely tale:
They missed Sukkot in that year
and observed it late.
Eight days of the feast
have been translated to this
time of Chanukah.
Either way, it's fun
to eat latkes and candy
and play the dreidel.
Happy Chanukah
(However you spell the word)
let's all celebrate!
See more Haiku Friday here.
If you're looking for my weekly Torah Portion Haiku, it's over at my other blog...
Remember the GIVEAWAY...you can comment on each post from this week's Chanukah Countdown Party to enter multiple times! A $25 gift certificate to OH! Nuts...
Previous Chanukah Countdown Party Posts:
How do you spell Chanukah?
What works for me on Chanukah
Have a Green Chanukah
13 Ways to Have a Green Chanukah
(or any holiday, for that matter)
1. Save paper - send e-cards instead!
2. Give environmentally conscious gifts that are renewable or reusable -- CFL lightbulbs, travel mugs, reusable water bottles, cloth bags, linen napkins, reusable lunchboxes...heck, reusable grocery bags are super-hot right now - give one or two tied with a pretty ribbon!
3. Give gifts of time or that will be "used up" -- gift certificates for massages, for special outings or babysitting, tickets to shows or concerts, magazine subscriptions, baked goods or food gifts (see below for the giveaway!) etc.
4. 8 nights, make 8 green resolutions for you and your family. Here's a list of suggestions from the Coalition on Environment in Jewish Life. Some ideas: agree to drive less, turn the heat down one degree, recycle more, etc.
5. Host Green parties for the holidays. Use e-vites, dim the lights, give each guest a mug or glass as their "party gift" and ask them to use it throughout the night (think of how many cups you'll save)
6. Go vegetarian for a few nights of the holiday or for all of the holiday!
7. Pay attention to your consumption and waste. Did you know between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day alone, Americans produce an extra one million tons of trash per week compared to any other time of the year. Try to throw away less during this holiday.
8. Make gifts from recycled objects. Wow, quite a list here.
9. Turn off the lights and watch the Chanukah candles burn. Save electricity by spending an electricity-free evening -- skip the computer, the tv, the ipod, and share a family game night or story night.
10. Pack your lunch and celebrate Chanukah each day by eating in. Try a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich. You'd be amazed at how one sandwich can change the world.
11. Give the gift of your own time. Find a place to take your family and volunteer during the holiday.
12. Going out shopping? Prepare your trip in advance so as to use the least amount of fuel by getting as much as possible in one place. Save trips!
13. Be conscious of your wrapping -- use cloth bags, tie a ribbon, recycle wrapping paper or newspaper...The average consumer wraps 20 gifts during the holidays. If just three of those gifts were wrapped in cloth bags, the paper saved could cover 45,000 football fields! (Source: Cygnus Group)
(See more Thursday Thirteen here)
And now...the Giveaway!
I am so excited to offer a FREE Chanukah gift tray ($25 value) from the Oh! Nuts, a company offering beautiful food gifts of chocolate and nuts.(although truthfully, you can use the gift certificate to buy non-Chanukah items too!)
Plus! A Chanukah discount...10% off a a Chanukah or any order on http://www.ohnuts.com/, just use code HBW1116 when checking out.
How you can win:
1. Make a comment here or on any of my Chanukah Countdown Party posts. Say something nice about Chanukah. This is your entry! You can enter each day - once per day. Come back and visit all week!
2. If you feel so inclined (I'd like it a lot), post on your blog or tell a friend about this giveaway and link back to me.
(you can grab my Chanukah Countdown Party code too:
<a href="http://imabima.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc126/imabima/chanukahcountdown.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>)
3. Don't forget to give me a way to get in touch with you if you win!
4. Contest ends on Sunday, December 2nd at 5pm. I will post the winner Monday morning!
Previous Chanukah Countdown Party Posts:
How do you spell Chanukah?
What works for me on Chanukah
Join the party!