Monday, August 11, 2014

#BlogElul and #ElulGram 2014

For the last few years, I've embarked on a project, and invited the social media world to join with me.

#BlogElul and #Elulgram have inspired, informed, and offered a little bit of additional introspection across the internet for the last few years. By popular request, it's back! 

Elul -- that wonderful and terrifying month that precedes the High Holy Days.

A month of introspection and considering, a month of personal reflection and preparation.
Perfect for blogging and other social media... 

What's it all about?

I have made a list of Elul-related topics, and I'm inviting you (yes, you! reader, colleague, friend...anyone with a desire to share ideas about the holidays) to join me.

But I'm not stopping only with blogging. Sure, it's called BlogElul but you can "blog" in any way you like. Maybe it's your daily Facebook update or tweet. Maybe it's your Instagram photos or your FourSquare checkins (can't wait to see how that would work out -- but please try!). Now we have Vine and other quick-video services -- perhaps a daily 6-second video? Maybe you don't want to do it daily. Maybe you just want to dip your toe into the experience, or just read (and share?) what others write. It's totally up to you.

right-click to save this image and use it wherever you blogElul!
I try to keep it simple, as I've done for the last few years. I've provided a topic (somewhat randomly mixed up) for each of the days of the month of Elul...just write a blog post about that topic on the assigned day! Use the hashtag to share your post, even in your title. This might be a great way to kickstart your blog (are you new at it?) and it might be a great way to get yourself ready for the themes and ideas of the holiday! (I plan to use #BlogElul in all my post titles, so that the hashtag is already there.)

And then there's #ElulGram. It's far more open to interpretation! I'm inviting you to post photos related to the same themes as the blogging project. Maybe you're not a writer or you don't have a blog - so take a picture instead! (And don't forget, sharing pictures is not limited to Instagram, but there is also Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr....etc.) Whatever you do, don't forget to tag it with #Elulgram so we can all share.

The themes are totally up for your own interpretation! I tried to think broadly about the general themes of the High Holy Days, and they are totally open to your own interpretations. There are no rules, but feel free to collaborate, cross-post, share thoughts, etc. This year the words are simple verbs -- do with them as you will.

And yes, I know that the dates include Shabbat. I personally don't blog/tweet/Facebook on Shabbat, but I will post after Shabbat is over. That's my custom but you can do whatever you like.) 

Are you going to play along? Let me know! Leave me a comment here, send me a tweet, or send up a signal fire.... Feel free to grab my pretty badge to announce to the whole world that you're Blogging Elul. If you let me know that you're doing it, we can cross-post, or guest-post, or even just do some virtual hand-holding as the days grow closer to Tishrei. I'll try to link to as many posts and pics as I can - won't it be amazing to all share in the Elul journey together? 

I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you.Elul begins on August 27th (it's always on time), so I wanted to give you a head start if you're going to pre-write some of your posts.

I hope that our shared preparation for 5775 brings meaning and hope, inspiration and enlightenment for all of us.

A text-based list of the #blogElul #elulGram topics:

Elul 1: Do
Elul 2: Act
Elul 3: Bless
Elul 4: Accept
Elul 5: Know
Elul 6: Search
Elul 7: Be
Elul 8: Believe
Elul 9: Hear
Elul 10: See
Elul 11: Count
Elul 12: Trust
Elul 13: Forgive
Elul 14: Remember
Elul 15: Learn
Elul 16: Understand
Elul 17: Awaken
Elul 18: Pray
Elul 19: Ask
Elul 20: Judge
Elul 21: Change
Elul 22: Dare
Elul 23: Love
Elul 24: End
Elul 25: Begin
Elul 26: Hope
Elul 27: Intend
Elul 28: Give
Elul 29: Return


rbarenblat said...

Thank you for doing this again! It has become a highlight of my year.

Marinos said...

I love this....thank you; and thank you for all the suggestions on the various ways to join in. Lovely. It's something I really want to do this year.

Rachel Gurevitz said...

I plan to join you again this year. Was planning to use Elul to share some highlights and new insights from the upcoming CCAR machzor with my congregation - will have a go at seeing if I can do so in a way that hooks into your daily themes. Thank you!

Sharon said...

I am IN! Stop by at

Stacey Zisook Robinson said...

I am so looking forward to blogging with you again this year! Funny, as I look at the list, I get this constant chatter: all these ideas and thoughts and words, fighting for attention "Write this! Write this!" And then, I sit down to write - and all those voices fade, leaving me with something completely surprising.

I love that! Thank you, for sparking this journey again xoxo

Carrie said...

I'm in! First timer here - hoping to not have to use Rosh Hashanah as my Elul again this year, as has become the norm. Excited to jump in.

Cantor Penny Kessler said...

Thank you for continuing this spiritual exercise!

michelle said...

I found your blog through the Institute of Southern Jewish Life and am going to post an image or quote of some kind every day on our temple facebook page. Thank you for a beautiful idea.