Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm doing #BlogElul

Dear friends, in case you haven't seen too much of me this week over here at Ima on and off the Bima, it's because I'm working hard on #BlogElul over at my other blog, Thoughts from Rabbi Phyllis (really creative title, no?).

I'm blogging almost daily over there for the whole month of Elul, the Hebrew month that precedes Rosh HaShanah. I won't be abandoning this blog (I have a number of book and DVD reviews coming up, bli neder) but I will be putting up a lot of content over there too.

So...feel free to follow me on Twitter to catch all my posts, and all the other folks who are doing #BlogElul as well.

If you'd like to subscribe to Thoughts from Rabbi Phyllis (free! so why not!?), click to subscribe in a reader or subscribe via email.

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