Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Community of the Bloggers...

It's so wonderful to be a part of the blogging community. There are so many blogs to read, so many wonderful writers out there, so many people in need of the support that this community is giving. I believe in and love the power of the internet for creating that community that is so often lacking in our lives, or as an enhancement of the communities in which we already live. I feel so blessed by my friends and family, but I am also feeling blessed by the community that I'm creating here on this blog and as part of other blogs. I've finally set up a blogroll (see sidebar) and these are some of the blogs I enjoy and read, based mostly on my Google Reader subscriptions.

Two blogs have recently noticed me (!?) and that is so cool...thank you so much.

First, SAHmy says gave me the Nice Matters award. (and it's taken me a while to acknowledge...thank you!) I'm speechless...truly. Her blog is a great insight into her life as a stay-at-home mom, and her postings are worth reading. Thanks!!!

The other one is Karen at Cheerio Road. This one is such an honor for me because I read Karen's blog, I've read her book, and I admire her reading and her outlook on life so much. Thank you for making me a part of your Block Party, Karen! (And yes, I bought her book, just to keep her rolling in toasted oats...)

What are some of your favorite blogs? Where else should I go?


Anonymous said...

You've got to check out "The Dairy Wife" at, "My Chaos My Bliss" at and "Walking On" at

These blogs are written by some really awesome women! Definitely worth checking out.


Anna said...

Try Beta Mom at



Two of my current favorites!

Phyllis Sommer said...

Thanks to both of you for sharing your favorites!