It is customary that, as soon as Yom Kippur ends, we begin to put up our Sukkah for the holiday of Sukkot. Sukkot is the "Festival of Booths," a harvest festival for which we build and "dwell in" small huts (usually in our backyards) to recall the wandering in the desert, during which we were transient and dependent upon God for our welfare. It also serves to remind us of those who don't have homes and are in need of our assistance. It is definitely one of my favorite holidays, it's a week long and I love building our sukkah.
This year, we put up a new sukkah, thanks to my dad (hi dad). He was tired of helping us put up our old one, which was great but very difficult to assemble each year. He created this new sukkah, which is so easy to put together, and as you'll see from the pictures below, so light that even my son can carry the parts!

This year, we put up a new sukkah, thanks to my dad (hi dad). He was tired of helping us put up our old one, which was great but very difficult to assemble each year. He created this new sukkah, which is so easy to put together, and as you'll see from the pictures below, so light that even my son can carry the parts!
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And a very lovely sukkah it is. I can't wait to see it decorated with all the kids' decorations.
I love watching the sukkahs go up this time of year (though I could have lived without all the noise my normally sedate and lovely neighbors were making at midnight last night as they were dragging metal parts across the patio).
Sukkot is a wonderful holiday...I always love seeing new and interesting shapes of gourds! :)
I also can't wait for Simchas Torah!!!
Taking little Shmulie for his first one! (At least that he is conscious of)
The Egel Nest
You Sukkah looks so wonderful!!
I have been enjoying reading your blog, since my son told me about it!
I wish you and your family a very Happy New year!! May you be blessed with good health and lots of happy times.
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