Monday, August 10, 2009

Before I was a mom...

Before I was a mom, I imagined what those bedtime conversations would be like.

We would lay together in the dark, a small body snuggled up to mine, in those last few moments as the little one drifted off to sleep.

Quiet breathing, calmness would settle.

My little person would perhaps, sleepily, ask me one of the Big Questions:

Where is God, Ima?
When will I grow up?
What happens when we die?
Why are we here?

And I would begin to answer...and the child would drift off...and I would gently kiss a sleeping child.

That was before I was a mom.

Last night, I lay in bed with my 2 year old, her small body snuggled up to mine, those last few moments before sleep.

Quiet breathing.

And then the Question:

"When I get older, can I have gum?"


Written as part of MamaBlogga's Group Writing Project for August. Click over and join in!


Leigh Ann said...

I'm sure some deep stuff will slip in there somewhere...eventually. :)

Jew Wishes said...

Ah, such a wonderful post, such joy!

Jordan McCollum said...

LOL! That's adorable.

Thanks for participating! It's good to "see" you again!

Maude Lynn said...

You captured it exactly!

Tracey said...

Aren't kids full of fun surprises!!

Rabbi Yair Robinson said...

Any thoughts on parenting I had before we had kids were predicated on having enough sleep...