Here we go Internet...have at it:
What do you do about bibs?
For some reason, with Baby #3, we are having the darndest time keeping a bib on her. She's only 9 months old, and she pulls the bib off at every meal. These are the exact same bibs (well, brand at least) that I used with both of her brothers and no one gave me a hard time at all! How do I keep a bib on her?
A little more info: The bibs we use have velcro tabs, which was never a problem before. They are vinyl (probably made in China...oy don't get me started) and one of the things I like about them is th

What works for you????
See more questions (and hopefully answers) at Rocks in My Dryer.
UPDATED: After posting this, my 2-year-old started crying so we went in his room to find him naked as the day he was born, but complaining because he was wet (from no diaper) and cold. Guess I typed too soon about him doing better in the sleep department! Just goes to show...
Have you tried buttons instead of Velcro for a could also try injecting your child with horse tranquilizers before meals...but I would use that only as a last resort :)
The Egel Nest
We use these...
We have one for each of our boys. Wash them in the sink, ready for the next meal.
We found this handy little tool that puts snaps on things and have done that to most of our bibs because we had the same problem. I found it at a craft store and it looks alot like a hand held hole puncher. But you can also buy the snaps and hand sew them on, too. I just put the snap over the velcro on our existing bibs!
I make bibs using hand towels. I surge a knit neck hole (like a T-shirt) into it and the kid can't get it off. I make my own, and give them as gifts (we used to sell them.) But I have seen similarly constructed ones in baby sections of various stores.
I have switched to bibs with snap closures. Some of them have TWO snaps! They are hard to find in stores, though. I found most of mine at garage sales.
I have no suggestions. Just wanted to say she is beautiful!
I am also a HUGE fan of the Baby Bjorn bib, although they're a wee bit pricey.
I have two thoughts: if they are the same bibs that you have used all the way through, it's possible your velcro is getting tired and not holding as well, thus making it easier for your dd to pull them off. Second thought is to bite the bullet and get some of the cloth bibs that pull over the head. That's what we've used, and I love them. My mom always got the kids a couple in their Christmas stocking and such, which means we have plenty. When one is dirty, I just toss it in the laundry and don't have to see it again until I get around to actually doing that laundry.
thank you all for these great suggestions! i think i'm going to bite the bullet and spend the money on some of those fancy ones like the baby bjorn... although i'm intrigued by the idea of the snap attacher...i'm too tired to sew them on...
Hi! I would just place a large safety pin over the velcro. Sometimes I just take my toddlers shirt off, though. She has a knack for getting food even under her bib and that's the only way to make sure her clothes stay clean. Now if I only knew how to keep food out of her two strand twists...
When we discovered the Kidopotomus bib (very similar to Baby Bjorn, but cheaper), all my bib troubles ended! It's vinyl of some sort, so it's always rinsed and ready for the next meal. It folds up inside itself, so if you don't feel like wiping it out away from home, you just fold it up and stick it in the diaper bag. And it creates an on-the-go food catcher tray, so my toddler can mingle at parties while still eating while still catching crumbs in her "trough." These bibs are totally the way to go!
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