My middle child, Sam, is turning two this week. He is truly a wonderful little guy, although he's going through a bit of a rough patch with teething and transitions...
I already posted some pictures this week of our adventures in the leaves....but here is Sam, almost 2, with his cute tushie sticking out...(my best shot Monday)
and just for old times' sake, here he is at one month old:

Swing by Picture This for more Best Shot Monday.
Gosh...they grow so fast.
Cute Tuchus!
The Egel Nest
It goes in the blink of an eye, doesn't it.
What a cutie-pie.
What a precious baby he was, look at all that hair!!! And what a cute little boy he is now.
Terrific shot. I love watching the kids frolic in the leaves.
how does it happen that they become two? A day at a time, I know. But still, it takes my breath away.
Have a month of many happy birthdays.
Look at all that hair as a little one! So adorable!
man where does time go, what a cute little guy
AWWW - what a cutie now and then! :)
Hooray! What a great photo! I miss playing in the leaves :) I wish him a very happy, healthy birthday. Woohoo!!!!
Love the tushie and leaves shot. What a gorgeous baby he was, and he has grown into an adorable little boy. I've been whining over the passing of time too quickly recently. *sigh*
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